Right. The timed competition to dress in lifeboatmen's clothing attracted the youngsters. - View image in PDF
As a finale the senior staff of the Institution took part in a hotly contested, and frequently sabotaged, play-off1. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Below: The lifeboat crew prepares for filming. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The Tone Vale Lodge, based at the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOBJ club at Taunton, raises cash for a different charity each year. Members normally aim to raise £200 in the course of a year but in 2000 managed to break all... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 9.35 on the morning of the 3rd of January, 1957, the marine surveyor of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board telephoned to say that a member of the crew of the Bar lightvessel had been suddenly taken ill. As the...
Inaugural Ceremony of the " Mar£chal-Foch." THE Inaugural Ceremony of the Motor Life-boat Marechal-Foch, which the French Life-boat Society has built for its Station at Calais, took place on 15th August. The Marechal-Foch is...
Category: Articles
Dover, Kent - On 2nd December, 1966, the Dover life-boat Southern Africarescued seven men from the Varne lightvessel.
A full account of this service, for which a special award was made to the coxswain and crew, appears on...
Left - this flower bed, in the shape of an Atlantic lifeboat, was created on a roundabout in Sheerness. The three dimensional display was painstakingly created by inmates of Standford Hill and E/mey prisons for the local ladies guild.... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
A messenger came from the signal station at 1.22 in the morning with a message from the Trinity House superintendent at Great Yarmouth : Would the life-boat go to the Humber...
The Humber station has the outstanding record for the year. Its life-boat "City of Bradford 11" has been launched on service 32 times and has rescued 189 lives. Its coxswain and crew have won one gold, two silver and three bronze...
Category: Articles
SEPTEMBER 24TH. - LONGHOPE , ORKNEYS. At about five in the evening the coastguard reported that a vessel needed help about a mile N.W. of Duncansby Head, and the motor life-boat Thomas McCunn was launched at 5.30. A S.E. gale was blowing,...