End of an era: on the retirement of Coxswain David Cox of Wells I above) til the end of August, the station was without / member of the Cox family fur the first time in three generations. David Cox was a member of the crew for 43 vears and... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Flags out for the lifeboats From Pinner to Plumstead, Romford to Richmond, Potters Bar to Petts Wood, members of almost 100 London branches were knocking on doors between 9 and 16 March during the RNLI's London lifeboat...
Category: Articles
(Below) Members of The Mumbles crew meet Dan A. Colussy, President of Pan American World Airways which flew them to New York to take part (right) in the Harbor Festival. (I. to r.) Tony Lewis, Arthur Eynon, Carl Smith, Bob Garner and Gary... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Inaugural Ceremony of " Robert Patton—The Always Ready." H.R.H. The Princess Royal named the new motor life-boat at Runswick Bay, Yorkshire, on 20th September, in the presence of over 5,000 people from all parts of Yorkshire.<...
Category: Inaugurations
VERY CLOSE TO THE SEA are people of the Isle of Man. Set in the Irish Sea almost equidistant between England and Ireland, with Scotland to the north and Wales to the south, not only is the island itself dependent on sea trade but is lies...
Category: Articles
It was an overcast morning on 26 August when a father and son began their fishing holiday in Cruden Bay, Aberdeen - a trip that gave them more drama than they bargained for
RNLI Peterhead...
Category: Articles
A leading object of this publication being to draw attention to the deplorable loss of life from shipwreck which periodically takes place on our shores, we propose, in our pre- sent Number, to take a brief general review* of the subject, for...
Category: Articles
THURSDAY, 4th June, 1908.
Colonel FITZ-ROY CLAYTON, V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Also read those of the Building, Finance and...
Category: Committee
Thursday, 6th April, 1865. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., r.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Category: Committee
ARDROSSAN, N.B.—The first Life-boat service rendered this year was that per- formed on the morning of the 1st January last, by the Life-boat Fair Maid of Perth, placed on this station a few months previously ; and it was also the first...
Category: Services