The annual summer appeal by the fishwives of Cullcrcoats collected £449 last year. That is £171 more than their collection in 1941, which was a record.
In 21 years they have collected over £3,400. One...
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THE unfortunate accident which occurred to the Calais mail-packet Prince Frederick William, in February last, will be fresh in the memory of many of our readers, when the upsetting of one of the Calais life-boats, which had proceeded to the...
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The Cromer IRB returning from a service. The crew are Mr. D. Abbs (helmsman) Mr. D. West (port side) and Mr. 6. Morris (starboard side).. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
A ROYAL CENTENARY MATINEE was held on 10th May, which was a great success, and was attended by H.R.H. the Prin- cess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, Patron of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild...
Category: Articles
The portrait on the cover is of Coxswain Michael Harrington, of Bal- timore. He first joined the Baltimore crew in 1943 and was second coxswain from 1945 to 1950. He was appointed coxswain on the 1st of April, 1950.
Category: Articles
It must not be thought that because receipts exeeeded expenditure, by over £100,000 the Institution is getting more money than it needs. That £100,000 would in a normal year have all been spent in building new boats, and, if the...
Category: Articles
In 1942 the Navy, Army and Air Force, with their Women's Services, contributed £19,385. All three contributions were much larger than in 1941. The Navy's was twelve times as much as in the last year of peace; the Army's...
Category: Articles
The Humber, Yorkshire.—At about 9.35 P.M. on the 22nd November a message was received from the port doctor at Grimsby that the Latvian steamer Everolanda, of Riga, at anchor S.E. of Spurn light-vessel, had wirelessed that a, woman on board...
Just before seven in the evening a message was received from the representative of a salvage company which was engaged in breaking up the wreck of the S.S. Marie Chandris, off Amsterdam...
Moelfre, Angelsey. At 2.15 on the afternoon of the 3rd of August, 1958, the coastguard told the honorary secre- tary that a sailing boat had overturned in Red Wharf Bay. At 2.30 the life- boat Watkin Williams was launched in a choppy sea....