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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Lost Man: the Damaged Boat.

Date: March 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 15

The man who was lost was Benjamin Clark, the bowman and signalman.

He had served in the life-boat for 25 years, and his father and brother had each been coxswain. His widow has been pensioned by the Institution as if her...

Category: Articles

The Danish Brig Alexander

Date: February 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 95

On the j 27th March the Mary Ann Story, the Life-boat stationed here, rendered im- portant services to the Danish brig Alex- j ander when that vessel was in a distressed j state near the Manacles Bocks on the Cornish...

The Fishin Boat Aurora

Date: November 1888

Volume: 13

Issue: 150

PETERHEAD.—It was reported at o'clock on the morning of the 24th September that a vessel was on the rocks at Scotstown Head, about six miles to the N. of Peterhead. A thick mist prevailed at the time, and as a strong breeze was blowing...

Notes of the Quarter

Date: June 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 404

THE first quarter of 1963 was a period in which a number of important advances were made in the develop- ment of life-boat design and in the task, which is a continuous one, of modernizing and re-equipping the life- boat service as a whole....

Category: Articles

The Paddle Steamer Ryde Which Is One of the Last Coal-Burning Paddle Steamers In the World

Date: December 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 426

The paddle steamer Ryde, which is one of the last coal-burning paddle steamers in the world, was the scene on 13th September, 1968, of a ball in aid of the R.N.LI, which was sponsored by W. & A. Gilbey Ltd., the makers of Gilbey's... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Annual Meetings 2002

Date: Spring 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 560

2002 Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards Another busy year for the RNLI saw crews answer 6,882 calls and rescue 6,918 people.

Education and safety work is starting to show results and successful trial schemes...

Category: Meetings

The Barrels Lightvessel (1)

Date: September 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 413

At 10.30 a.m. on 25th May, 1965, the Irish Lights Office informed the honorary secretary that the mother of one of the crew of Barrels lightvessel was dangerously ill, and asked if the life-boat could be launched to bring the man ashore....

The Moment of Truth!

Date: Winter 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 487

The moment of truth! Eamonn Andrews waylays Coxswain Matt Lethbridge in the London Boat Show, Earls Court, to say 'This is Your Life'. (Look into the background, left, and you will also see Emergency Mechanic John 'Chick'... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Aida Lauro

Date: December 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 332

Wrecked on the Cornish coast, 1st July, 1937, (See opposite page mi cage 374.). - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Dressed for the Job...

Date: Autumn 1993

Volume: 53

Issue: 526

Dressed for the job...

Suitably attired, for the lifeboat if not for their surroundings, youngsters four-year-old Lucie Polwin, her brother Ben (10) and sister Hannah (8) (right), helped their parents on flag day in... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs