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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Carl Rosinius

Date: February 1888

Volume: 13

Issue: 147

NEW BRIGHTON.—The schooner Carl Rosinius, of Hangesund, bound for Liverpool in ballast, was seen stranded on Taylor's Bank, and signals were fired by the Crosby Lightvessel, during a W. wind, squally weather and a heavy sea on the 3rd...

None (12)

Date: September 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 417

Humber, Yorkshire - At 1.50 p.m.

on 30th April, 1966, a motorist told the coxswain superintendent that a small aircraft had crashed into the sea about two miles north of Spurn. There was a gentle south-easterly wind and a...

Around the Coast—And Inland

Date: Summer 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 481

THE PRESENTATION of a cheque for more than £50,000 by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff to the Duke of Atholl, chairman of the Institution, was reported in the summer issue of THE LIFEBOAT. It was the amount raised up till that time by the...

Category: Articles

Shifting Sands

Date: Summer 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 545

Shallow water and unpredictable sandbanks present the East Coast lifeboatman with particular difficulties.

Mike Floyd looks at the situation around The Wash We all have our own mental picture of a lifeboat in action - often...

Category: Articles

Life-Boats for the Coast of Scotland

Date: July 1859

Volume: 04

Issue: 33

THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, which has already numerous Lifeboat Stations on the English and Irish Coasts, is desirous to extend its work of usefulness to the Coasts of Scotland, that every part of the United Kingdom may be...

Category: Articles

Give it a go: Walking the coast

Date: Spring 2015

Volume: 61

Issue: 611 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2015

With a combined total of more than 10,000 miles waterproof boots. to explore, our coastal paths are some of the most epic walking routes in the world. Alex Ellis-Roswell, almost 8 months into his 2-year coastal walk that will...

Category: Articles

Golden Charter

Date: Spring 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 536

You plan for things that might happen.

•1 GOLDEN CHARTER Pre-Paid Funeral Plans How about planning for something that definitely will? THERE COMES A TIME in life when it's natural to consider your own funeral...and to...

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Painting 'The Lynmouth Lifeboat Service 1899' By Mark R Myers Rsma

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

MY INTEREST IN PAINTING an incident from the famous Lynmouth lifeboat service to Forrest Hall goes back to the time when I was boatswain in the little square-rigged replica of Nonsuch ketch.

We were on passage from Falmouth...

Category: Articles

Royal Charter

Date: December 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 398

Humber, Yorkshire. At 8.51 on the evening of the 12th August, 1961, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that the fishing vessel Royal Charter was aground north- north-east of no. 53 buoy. There was a gentle southerly breeze...

Summer reads

Date: Summer 2018

Volume: 61

Issue: 624 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2018

Will you choose an adventure story to enjoy by the pool, or a handy guide to prepare for a sailing trip?

World Cruising Destinations:
An Inspirational Guide to All Sailing Destinations by Jimmy and Doina...

Category: Articles