Thirty odd years ago it was my duty and my privilege to act as escort to Sir Godfrey Baring, K.B.E., then Chairman of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, on his frequent visits to the North West District and, at a later period, to...
Category: Articles
IN 1882 the Committee of the Institution, being deeply impressed with the serious loss of life from drowning taking place year by year from the Fishing Vessels working to and from the coasts of the United Kingdom, decided, with the hope of...
Category: Articles
Jersey: (Right) HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother presents St Helier lifeboat station's centenary vellum to Captain Roy Builen, honorary secretary of Jersey Branch. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
News ‘A treasure trove!’ This is just one glowing comment from a visitor to the RNLI’s new Henry Blogg museum in Cromer – and now ‘official’ accolades have followed.
The building's contemporary design follows the curve...
Category: Articles
THE summer is now over, and the collecting season of the Life - boat Saturday Fund for the current year is therefore practically at an end.
Much has been attempted by the thousands of workers in England, Scotland, and...
Category: Articles
OWING to lack of space the following articles and reports are held over until the next issue: " Memories of the Sea and the Life-boat Service," by Mr.
Ernest Woolfield, Honorary Secretary of the Kessingland...
Category: Articles
THE numerous enthusiastic bands of workers on behalf of the Life-boat Satur- day Fund have, throughout the United Kingdom, had exceptional obstacles and difficulties to deal with this year, as the result of the multitudinous appeals, in...
Category: Articles
A SPECIAL service was held in Liverpool Cathedral on 26th November, 1933, at which some 200 people were present, in remembrance of those who, by their generosity and self-sacrifice, had brought into being the life-boat...
Category: Articles
MRS. BOUTWOOD, honorary secretary of the Stanmore branch, has been holding gramophone evenings for young people, contributions for the entertainment being given to the Life- boat Service.
An unusual dance for those in their...
Category: Donations
Scheme of Co-operation between the Institution, the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the British Red Cross and St. Andrew's Ambulance Association.
By GEORGE F. SHEE, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.
Category: Articles