The boats of the NATIONAL LIFB-BOAT INSTITUTION, and all belonging to them, are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...
Category: Articles
THE following is a copy of a Circular which has been addressed by the Royal National Life-boat Institution to the local Committees of its several Life-boat Branches on the coasts of the United Kingdom. The Circular explains at length the...
Category: Articles
FIGURES for the first nine months of the year show remarkable increases in the numbers of services carried out by life-saving vessels. All three categories of life-saving vessel with which the Institution is concerned, its lifeboats, its own...
Category: Articles
Hythe.—The ketch Mazeppa, of Harwich, a small vessel of seventy-two tons, came to anchor in Hythe Bay about midnight on the l-2nd April. At about 2.30 A.M. the vessel dragged her anchors and drifted towards the shore,and the master,...
Holiday Cabins For Hire and Sale at [Churchwood V<ey Comfortable, quality holiday homes.
• Set in coastal preservation area • Near the beautiful River Yealm, River Tamar and Plymouth Sound 18, Churchwood, .,„,,„...
Category: Advertisement
CAMPAIGN h LIH Rt AL ALL Somerset branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) held its annual festival at Minehead last year - raising over £1,000 for local good causes.
Minehead lifeboat guild was a major beneficiary...
Category: Articles
Committee members of Helston and Porthleven branch Stan Llovd (bicvc/e) and Graham Fern (counter balance) are helping to improve the balance of their branch's account in this tigh! wire act across the entrance to Forth/even Harbour. It... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
WHITBY, YORKSHIRE On the 23rd February, 1946, the Whitby life-boat rescued a member of the crew of the fishing boat Easter Morn, who was washed overboard.
LIFE-BOATMAN JOHN ROBERT HARLAND was awarded the silver...
Category: Medals
Newhaven, May 27, 1986 When Mrs Esme Anderson presented the 52ft Arun class lifeboat Keith Anderson to Newhaven on the afternoon of Tuesday May 27, she wanted everyone at the ceremony to know a little about her late husband, whose name she...
Category: Inaugurations
From a Cripple's Home.
THE Tiny Tims Cripples Home at Eastbourne Las sent to the Eastbourne Branch a gift of 11s. 9d., made up of the children's own farthings. This is the second time that the Tiny Tims have given...
Category: Donations