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Empire Scout

Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945


At 10.40 in the morning the port war signal station at Teesmouth reported two vessels in distress off the port. The Teesmouth lifeboat crew were assembled and...


Date: Winter 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 559

At midday on 2 January 2002, RNLI lifeboats became operational on the River Thames. For the first time, the capital has a 24-hour dedicated rapid response service on its river. There are four lifeboat stations, at Gravesend, Tower Pier,...

Category: Articles

Lifeboat Services

Date: Spring 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 552

The Lifeboat Tyne class 47-026 Garstde The Crew Vellum Coxswain Malcolm Gray for his 'tenacity, determination and seamanship... Any miscalculation could have resulted in the lifeboat being beached or grounded on the rocks or even...

Category: Services

Annual Report

Date: May 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 124

At the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the Mansion House on Thursday, the 23rd day of March, 1882, The Eight Hon. The LORD MAYOR of LONDON in the Chair, the following Report of the Committee was...

Category: Annual Reports

Services of the Life-Boats of the Institution During 1951

Date: July 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 361

Persons rescued from shipwreck Kilmore life-boat landed a sick man from the Coningbeg lightvessel.

Fishing coble Premier, of Scarborough. Scarborough life-boat escorted coble.

Fishing boat Isa Simpson, of...

Category: Services

The Ramsgate Life-Boat and the Ketch "Lord Hamilton."

Date: June 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 281

AT half-past two in the afternoon, of 12th February last, the Ramsgate Life- boat and tug were called out by a message from the Coast Guard that a vessel— found afterwards to be the ketch Lord Hamilton—was ashore on the north-east part of...

Category: Services

News from the Branches

Date: August 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 291

Since the War only three issues of THE LIFEBOAT have been published annually. Owing to the great increase in the amount of matter for publication, particularly in reports of the work of Branches, the Committee have dec ded to revert to the...

Category: Branches

Re-Opening of Shoreham Station

Date: June 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 302

THE Station at Shoreham, Sussex, which was established in 1865, was closed in 1924, owing to the silting up of the harbour. Up to that date its Life-boats had rescued forty lives.

Since 1924 there has been a great im-...

Category: Articles

Bishop's Comment on the Life-Boat Service

Date: September 1962

Volume: 37

Issue: 401

THE Bishop of St. David's, the Right Reverend John Richards, gave an address from the bandstand at Aberyst- wyth on the 9th May, 1962, in which he said: "No organisation in the whole of our history has revealed more truly the spirit...

Category: Articles

A Gannet Aircraft (3)

Date: June 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 380

Coverack, The Lizard, Falmouth and Cadgwith, Cornwall.—At 8.38 oil the evening of the 19th of February, 1957, the Royal Naval Air Station at Cul- drose reported that a Gannet aircraft, with a crew of three, was believed to have crashed into...