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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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A Principle Which Was Established By William Wouldhave

Date: Winter 1999

Volume: 57

Issue: 547

To make a boat self-righting keep the centre of gravity low and centre of buoyancy high, so that she is unstable when upside down - a principle which was established by William Wouldhave in 1789 and still holds true on today's... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Bluebell, of Wick

Date: December 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 422

Stronsay, Orkneys - At 1.40 a.m. on 22nd June, 1967, the fishing vessel Bluebell of Wick was reported ashore on Seal Skerry, South of Gairsay. The lifeboat The John Gellanty Hyndman slipped her moorings at 2.10 in a moderate south westerly...

With John Atterton Acting Director Looking on Harry H Corbel! Hands Mrs Teresa Reiley of Urchfont Wiltshire the Keys of the Saab 99 Combi Coupe Car She Won In

Date: Winter 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 467

With John Atterton, acting director, looking on, Harry H. Corbel! hands Mrs Teresa Reiley of Urchfont, Wiltshire, the keys of the Saab 99 Combi Coupe car she won in the Southern District 1978 competition which raised £10,000 for... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Rewards of the Royal Humane Society

Date: February 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 119

IT has been our custom from time to time to record the noble deeds of our Life- boat crews, who, acting on the promptings of an innate heroism, have, during winter storms, performed deeds of such desperate courage and patient endurance as to...

Category: Articles

Gipsey, of Wisbech

Date: January 1867

Volume: 06

Issue: 63

On the night of the 24th March, during a heavy gale of wind from S.S.E., the sloop Gipsey, of Wisbech, struck on the Hales Rocks off Redcar. It being dark, with a heavy sea on, which completely swept the decks, the crew narrowly escaped...

Ten Hours of Non-Stop Magic

Date: Autumn 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 498

Ten hours of non-stop magic at the Moat House Hotel in Liverpool conjured up £1,800 for New Brighton lifeboat station last October.

Twenty members of the Mahatma Magic Circle, three of whom are pictured here (I to r)... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs


Date: April 1970

Volume: 41

Issue: 431

Mutley Baptist Church, Plymouth, has close contacts with the R.N.L.I., and when an essay competition on life-boatmen was held for members of the junior church there was a good response.

The following are extracts: 'The...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Lynburn

Date: February 1918

Volume: 23

Issue: 264


ON the 29th August the s.s. Lynburn, of Workington, while bound from Cork to Whitehaven with a cargo of timber, struck a mine in the vicinity of the North Arklow Light Vessel. The Wicklow Motor Life-boat...

A Gift of Gratitude Was Presented to Ryde Station Branch By Members of 'Ten Mess' Hms Fife Thirteen Years Ago Petty Officer Bridle Was Rescued from a Fishing Boat

Date: Winter 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 467

A gift of gratitude was presented to Ryde station branch by members of 'Ten Mess', HMS Fife. Thirteen years ago Petty Officer Bridle was rescued from a fishing boat accident by the lifeboat and last year he and his shipmates... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

News from the Branches

Date: September 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 299

1st April to 30th June.

Greater London.

GREATER LONDON. — Meeting of London members of the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild at the house of the Duchess of Sutherland, President of the...

Category: Branches