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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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It's Late It's Dark and It's Raining But the Oakley Is Ashore and the Princess Royal Is on Her Carriage for the First Time So All We Have to Do Now Is Launch Her Again A

Date: Winter 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 515

It's late, it's dark and it's raining, but the Oakley is ashore and The Princess Royal is on her carriage for the first time. So all we have to do now is launch her again and then retrieve her before we go home to bed…. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Cabin Cuiser Ruth

Date: March 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 371

Exmouth, Devon.—At 4.18 on the morning of the 27th of October, 1954, the coastguard telephoned that a boat was burning a white light about three miles south-east of Orcombe Point. At 4.39 the life-boat Maria Noble was launched. There was a...

Peep Into The Past

Date: Winter 2007

Volume: 60

Issue: 579

Peep into the past Fascinating excerpts from the Lifeboat archives … 100 years ago The May 1907 Journal reported on experiments to improve life-belts and the early days of a new era in lifeboat crew kit: ‘The life-belt produced by the...

Category: Articles

Friends of the RNLI

Date: Autumn 2016

Volume: 61

Issue: 617 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2016

These corporate partners offer discounts to you and fundraising benefits for our charity

Coastal Spring
Look out for the Coastal Spring range of Cornish bottled water in your local shops, bars and restaurants....

Category: Articles

The Gorton Lightvessel

Date: June 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 412

DOCTOR TO LIGHTVESSEL Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk. At 1.55 p.m. on 3ist January, 1965, the superintendent of Trinity House asked the honorary secretary for the use of the life-boat to take a sick man off of the Gorton Lightvessel....

The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1903

Volume: 18

Issue: 208

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and all belonging to them are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

The Life-Boat House

Date: May 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 216

The boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and all belonging to them are kept in roomy and substantial boat-houses, under lock and key, in charge of paid coxswains, under the general superintendence of local honorary committees of...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: Autumn 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 482

BARMOUTH'S NEW 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat was named Princess of Wales by the Princess on November 25 in her first engagement for the RNLI. The Princess, accompanied by Prince Charles, was given an enthusiastic welcome by the large crowds...

Category: Articles

The Coningbeg Lightvessel

Date: December 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 422

Kilmore, Co. Wexford - At 7.10 p.m. on I5th June, 1967, it was learned that the mother of one of the crew members of the Coningbeg lightvessel was dangerously ill. The life-boat Cecil Paine was launched at 7.30 in a light variable breeze and...

The Life-Boats and the War. The King's Appreciation of the Institution's Work

Date: February 1917

Volume: 23

Issue: 262

NOTE.—The Editor will be grateful to Hon. Secretaries, and other subscribers, for any really good photographs of wrecks, or Life-boats on service or exercise, for publication in the JOURNAL.

The Life-boats and the War.<...

Category: Correspondence