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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Final Hull Form of the Mersey Seen During the Self-Righting Trials of on 1125 a Pre-Production Prototype

Date: Autumn 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 510

The final hull form of the Mersey, seen during the self-righting trials of ON 1125, a pre-production prototype. (Photo Downland Studios). - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

To the Help of Foreigners.

Date: September 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 1

Of 1108 launches during the year 251 were to foreign vessels belonging to eighteen different countries and 608 lives were rescued from them. Never has the Lifeboat Service more faithfully carried out the promise which it made when it was...

Category: Articles

Life-Boat Services Round the Coasts

Date: March 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 419

LAUNCHES AND LIVES SAVED BY LIFE-BOATS AND IRBs 1st September to 30th November: Launches 401, lives saved 195 SEPTEMBER SCOTTISH DISTRICT Wick, Caithness-shire - At 3.50 p.m.

on r6th September, 1966, a message was received...

Category: Services

Death of a Head Launcher

Date: December 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 382

EARLY on the evening of the 28th of August, 1957, a schoolmaster went to the harbour at Staithes in Yorkshire with a number of his pupils to bathe.

There was a light north-westerly wind blowing, and outside the harbour the...

Category: Articles

The Chairman of the RNLI Captain the Hon. V. M. Wyndham-Quin, R.N., Pictured With Officials In February at the Tomb of Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Hillary, Bt.

Date: June 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 416

The Chairman of the RNLI, Captain the Hon. V. M. Wyndham-Quin, R.N., pictured with officials in February at the tomb of Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Hillary, Bt., founder of the Institution, at Douglas, Isle of Man. Sir William, who was... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Inaugural Ceremonies of Motor Life-Boats

Date: December 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 280

Cromer and Penlee.

THE new Cromer Motor Life-boat is the third of the Norfolk and Suffolk type to be constructed, the other two being the boats stationed at Walton-on-Naze and Lowestoft. The second of these two boats, the...

Category: Articles

The Best Essays

Date: June 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 314

I. By JOAN PATUICIA ROSE JEFFERIS (13), The Circus Church School, Portsmouth, Hants Why I should like to be a Life-boatman.

THERE are many noble callings in life in which workers have lit lamps of self-sacrifice,...

Category: Articles

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. Appeal

Date: October 1864

Volume: 05

Issue: 54

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.

(Incorporated by Royal Charter.) FOUNDED d 1824.—SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.


Category: Advertisement

Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1865

Date: April 1865

Volume: 05

Issue: 56

HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.T., P.C., V.P., in the Chair.

1.—Moved by the Chairman :— 1.—That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:—(vide last page for this...

Category: Meetings

Foreign Life-Boat Services. Rescues from British Vessels and Numbers of the Fleets

Date: October 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 339

DURING 1938 foreign life-boats went out to the help of 53 British vessels; forty-five of these services were by the United States, three by Norway, two by Holland, and one each by France, Sweden and...

Category: Services