These verses were written in October of last year before the death of Coxswain Robert Patton, to whom they were dedicated, and before the name of the Runswick life-boat was changed. They are printed here by very kind permission of the author...
Category: Poetry
Robson Green’s acting, presenting and singing skills have earned him sparkling success, but he’ll never forget his rugged roots
I’m from Northumberland mining stock – my father,...
Category: Articles
FURTHER details for a midnight matinee to be held in the Spring at the Victoria Palace, London, will be included in the January, 1973, edition of THE LIFE-BOAT. The event is being run by the Central London Women's Committee under the...
Category: Committee
The requisite qualities of a life-boatman's life- belt are— 1. Sufficient extra-buoyancy to support a man heavily clothed, with his head and shoulders above the water, or to enable him to support another person besides...
Category: Articles
A sad accident involving the loss of five lives occurred on the evening of 1st May to a Coastguard boat belonging to Shingle Street. The boat earlier in the day had been to Aldeburgh, and when returning to Shingle Street capsized near the...
Tenby, Pembrokeshire.—At 1.10 early on the morning of the 4th of January, 1957. the coastguard telephoned to say that the Trinity House Superintendent at Swansea had asked for the life-boat to bring ashore a sick man from the Helwick...
This organ came out of retirement for Life-boat Day at Richmond, Surrey. Whether or not the music was the cause, the day collected £134 compared with £99 in 1948.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Mr Calum Macdonald Former Coxswain of the Stornoway Lifeboat Was One of Three People To Receive The Freedom of the Burgh of Stornoway at The Ceremony Before A. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Coxswains of three lifeboats which were on service for more than 20 hours at the height of the Fastnet storm:. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE seventh Christmas party, given by the staff of the Storeyard at Broomfield Street, Poplar, with the help of the staff at Headquarters, took place on 20th December at the Bromley Public Hall.
Four days before this a tea...
Category: Articles