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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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Feature the Visitor Experience

Date: Autumn 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 562

An organisation funded totally by voluntary donations has a very special relationship with its friends.

Finding supporters, expanding and staying in touch with the supporter community is vital to the RNLI's future - as...

Category: Articles

The Admiralty Tug Seaman

Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945


The Admiralty tug Seaman put out from Montrose with a battle target in tow and the life-boat coxswain on board as pilot. A strong northerly wind was blowing, with a heavy ground swell. The...

Friends of the RNLI

Date: Spring 2016

Volume: 61

Issue: 615 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2016

These corporate partners offer discounts to you and fundraising benefits for our charity

Coastal Spring
Look out for the Coastal Spring range of Cornish bottled water in your local shops, bars and restaurants....

Category: Articles

The Fund Raisers

Date: Summer 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 497

Taking the plunge Thirty-six volunteers made their first parachute jump from 2,000 feet at the Al Skydiving Centre, Newnham in June and three weeks later Jim Marriott, landlord of the Ship Inn and organiser of the jump handed a cheque for...

Category: Articles

The Bull Lightvessel

Date: June 1962

Volume: 37

Issue: 400

LIFE-BOAT TAKES SICK MAN OFF LIGHTVESSEL Humber, Yorkshire. At 6.45 on the evening of the 23rd February, 1962, the Humber Conservancy Board in- formed the coxswain superintendent that a sick man on board the Bull lightvessel needed urgent...

Restoration of the Apparently Drowned

Date: February 1873

Volume: 08

Issue: 87

AMONGST the most interesting and im- portant subjects which, from time to time, have been treated in The Life-boat Journal, is that of the means to be resorted to for the restoration of the apparently drowned, and it is one in which the...

Category: Articles

Notes of the Quarter

Date: January 1973

Volume: 42

Issue: 442

AT a press conference held in London on 24th October, Commander F. R. H. Swann, O.B.E., R.N.V.R., Chairman of the R.N.L.I., announced a colourful programme of events to celebrate in 1974 the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the R.N.L.I...

Category: Articles

The Humber Boat-House

Date: October 1931

Volume: 28

Issue: 307

AT Spurn Point, on the Humber, on llth July, a tablet on the Life-boat House was unveiled to the memory of the late Mr. S. Crabtree Helm, of Bradford and Ilkley, who left £2,000 to the Institution, as well as a share in the ultimate...

Category: Articles

The Coningbeg Lightvessel

Date: September 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 421

Kilmore, Co. Wexford - At 6 p.m.

on 27th May, 1967, the honorary secretary was asked by the Irish Lights Office if the life-boat would bring ashore a member of the crew of the Coningbeg lightvessel whose mother was...

The Hilda, of Rucorn

Date: February 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 95

.—On the 2nd May the Out-Pensioner Life-boat was launched from this station during a fresh breeze at W.N.W., and rendered important assistance to the Hilda, of Hun- corn, which had gone on shore at Mizen Head..