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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Deterioration of Our Merchant Seamen

Date: July 1868

Volume: 06

Issue: 69

ENGLAND—that is to say, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland—is a great, a wealthy, a populous, and a powerful country. But it is likewise essentially a maritime one. If not maritime it would have been nothing; for without that...

Category: Articles

The German Life-Boat Service

Date: August 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 181

IT is with great pleasure we have to record a visit from Captain PFEIFER, the Chief Inspector of the German Life-boat Service, or, as it is called in Germany, " Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbriichiger." Captain PFEIFER...

Category: Articles

The Help of Coxswains and Crews

Date: November 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 285

THE Institution is fortunate in often having the help of its Coxswains and Crews, not only in manning the Life- boats, but in raising funds, sometimes by their personal efforts and sometimes in the form of gifts out of salvage money which...

Category: Donations

The Life-Boat

Date: May 1911

Volume: 21

Issue: 240

The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of the different types of Life-boats used in the Institution's service. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view. Fig. 2 the " plan " or deck view. Fig....

Category: Articles

Below: the Remains of Tynemouth Boathouse

Date: Winter 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 559

Below: The remains of Tynemouth boathouse and the John Pyemont lifeboat, which were destroyed by a German bomb on 9 April 1941.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Life-Boat Transporting-Carriage

Date: May 1897

Volume: 16

Issue: 184

The Life-boat transporting-carriage is a very important auxiliary to the boat.

Nearly every Life-boat, except a few of the larger size, is provided with a carriage, on which she is kept in the boat-house ready for immediate...

Category: Articles

The American Steamer Georgetown Victory, of Baltimore

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

MAY 1ST. - NEWCASTLE, CLOUGHEY, AND DONAGHADEE, CO. DOWN. In the darkness of the early morning the American steamer Georgetown Victory, of Baltimore, ran ashore at Killard Point, Co. Down, while bound from Australia to Glasgow, with about...

Viking, of Sunderland

Date: February 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 91

On the 2nd April, during a strong gale from the .W., and in a tremendous sea, the barque Viking, of Sunderland, went ashore n Harlyn Bay, near this place. The City of Bristol Life-boat, Albert Edward, was ;aken on its carriage to the bay and...

Some of the Rescued

Date: March 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 337

Some of the Rescued. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Services of Life-Boats

Date: January 1856

Volume: 02

Issue: 19

BRIDLINGTON. — On the 22nd of March last, at 3 A.M., the wind blowing strong from E.N.E. at the time,' and a heavy sea running, signals of distress were observed from Bridlington Quay on board the schooner Albion, which had on the...

Category: Services