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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Folio Society

Date: Winter 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 559

Five essential reference books worth £137.50 Yours for only (inducting postage and packing) REFERENCE books are the cornerstone of every library. With this special introductory offer from The Folio Society, you can enjoy the luxury of a...

Category: Advertisement

Portrait on the Cover

Date: December 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 374

The portrait on the cover is of Coxswain Richard Lisle of Sunderland.

He has been coxswain of the Sunder- land life-boat since July 1949. For nearly three years before that he was second coxswain. Since his • appoint- ...

Category: Articles

Brownies Were By Far the Greatest Moneyspinners In the Guide Friendship Fund Lifeboat Project: 1St.Woodseaves Brownies Sent In £33 After a Sponsored Skip — to Reac

Date: Winter 1975

Volume: 43

Issue: 451

Brownies were by far the greatest moneyspinners in the Guide Friendship Fund lifeboat project: 1st Woodseaves Brownies sent in £33 after a sponsored skip — to reach their target, each of 24 girls had to make 50... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Edward VII, of Grimsby

Date: February 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 297


At ten at night, on the 2nd February, a message was received that a vessel had gone ashore on Brims Ness, six miles from Thurso, the scene of many wrecks. She was found later to be the trawler Edward VII., of...

Portrait on the Cover

Date: June 1960

Volume: 35

Issue: 392

THE portrait on the cover is of Cox- swain James Wilson of St. Abbs, who first joined the St. Abbs crew in 1947.

He was assistant mechanic from 1951 to 1953, when he was appointed cox- swain. Since he joined the crew...

Category: Articles

Launches and Lives Saved By Life-Boats and Irbs

Date: October 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 437

LAUNCHES AND LIVES SAVED BY LIFE-BOATS AND IRBs 1 st March, 1971 to 31 st May, 1971: Launches 494, lives saved 227 THE ACTIVE FLEET (as at 31/5/71) 135 station life-boats 111 inshore rescue boats LIVES RESCUED 93,507 from the Institution'...

Category: Services

Harkaway, of Yarmouth

Date: August 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 97

Again, on the morning of the 10th May the cutter Harkaway, of Yarmouth, was lost on the Barber Sands. As it was only blowing a fresh breeze, two ordinary beachmen's boats essayed the task of re- moving the crew, but finding, on nearing...

Late on the Aflernoon of August 8 the Needles Coastguard Alerted the Search and Rescue Flight Hms Daedalus That a Boat Was In Difficulties In Totland Bay Isle Of

Date: Summer 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 445

Late on the aflernocn of August 8, the Needles Coastguard alerted the Search ami Rescue Flight, HMS Daedalus, that a boat was in difficulties in Totland Bay, Isle of Wight. An aircraft was scrambled to go to the scene. However, a helicopter... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives

Date: August 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 101

LTNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE, DEVON.— On the 19th March the Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives, encountered a heavy squall, when off Lynmouth, which carried away her foremast, bowsprit, and bulwarks; in a helpless state she subsequently drifted before a...

Australian Food Parcels. A Gift to the Life-Boat Service from the Office of the Prime Minister

Date: Winter 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 353

IN 1947 the Lord Mayor of Sydney started what came to be known as the Australian Express Parcel Scheme for sending food parcels to Great Britain.

Two years later, on November 29th, 1949, the two-millionth parcel was...

Category: Donations