The speedboat Hot Banana lived up to her name on 6 July when a fire, believed to have started in the outboard engine, spread to the fuel tank and caused a major explosion.
The boat burst into flames at the entrance to... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
RSV aground 'WE CANNOT hold out much longer—• bumping heavily.' It was 0520 on January 12, just five minutes after extension trawler, now rig safety vessel, Spearfish reported to the Coastguard at Lerwick,Shetland Islands, that she...
COMMODORE THE RT. Hox. THE EARL HOWE, P.C., C.B.E., V.R.D., R.N.V.R., has been elected Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Royal National Life-boat Institution to succeed Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., K.B.E., who recently announced his...
Category: Committee
Some ways of filling the coffers… Society pledge In 1990, the Bristol and West Building Society ran a vendor guarantee scheme whereby £100 was pledged to charity for every case proved where the society failed to meet certain standards....
Category: Articles
IN spite of the diatribes of pacificists against war as a relic of barbarism and the embodiment of all evil, the present stupendous struggle has once again proved that, notwithstanding the horrors, t h e misery and the grief which war brings...
Category: Articles
In the early days of Sir Godfrey Baring's chairmanship the motor car was still something of a novelty. This Rolls-Royce—it appears to be a New Phantom I of 1925-1929—was pictured outside the old headquarters of the R.N.LI, in Charing...
Category: Articles
THERE are few sailors in the habit of trading to the river who will not be acquainted with the Swan, a dandy-rigged cutter, that serves as the Thames Floating Church, and may generally be seen lying alongside one of the sections of colliers...
Category: Articles
THE RNLI ACCOUNTS for 1984 have yet to be completed, but they are likely to show that during the year at least £21 million has been raised. This figure reflects not only the tremendous efforts of the branches and guilds but also the...
Category: Articles
Above: The Skegness crew at the station's open day.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
At 5.40 A.M. on the 21st December, during smooth but foggy weather, a new torpedo destroyer named the Beaver stranded about 1J miles south of Hasborough Lighthouse. The vessel had only re- cently been launched and was on her way to...