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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The S.S. Ousel

Date: June 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 380

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 2.15 on the morning of the 8th of January, 1957, the Formby coastguard tele- phoned that the S.S. Ousel, of Liverpool, when at anchor, had been struck by another vessel off Rock Ferry. At 2.30 the life-boat Norman...

The Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives (1)

Date: August 1876

Volume: 09

Issue: 101

LTNMOUTH AND ILFRACOMBE, DEVON.— On the 19th March the Lizzie Morton, of St. Ives, encountered a heavy squall, when off Lynmouth, which carried away her foremast, bowsprit, and bulwarks; in a helpless state she subsequently drifted before a...

The Drifters Loranthus, of Banff, and The Harvest Reaper, of Buckie

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

DECEMBER 7TH. - FLAMBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. At 5.30 in the morning the life-boat coxswain heard an SOS call.

There was a dense fog. A nasty swell was running with a southerly wind which freshened later into a gale. The motor...

The "Princess Victoria" Life-Boat Tractor

Date: August 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 291

IT is now six years since the first experiments were made with Motor Caterpillar Tractors for launching Lifeboats off flat beaches. Tractors have been placed at a number of Stations, and although the type used has not been suitable for...

Category: Inaugurations

Life-Boat Essay Competition, 1929. Presentation of Prizes In the London District

Date: March 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 301

AT the Caxton Hall, Westminster, on the 6th February the Mayor of West- minster (Captain J. F. C. Bennett) presided at the presentation of prizes won in the Life-boat Essay Competi- tion in London (consisting of schools in the London County...

Category: Articles

The Annual Meetings

Date: Spring 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 512

The South Bank Meetings 1990 The Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards for 1989 The RNLI's 1990 Annual General meeting and Presentation of Awards, held on the South Bank in London on May 22, were again well attended by...

Category: Meetings

Runswick Bay

Date: December 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 328

The Humber, Yorkshire.—On the morning of the 18th August a trawler was seen to be aground on the Middle Binks. She was the Runswick Bay, of Hull, bound for the fishing grounds and tarrying a crew of fifteen. A light breeze was blowing and...

Reading the sea

Date: Summer 2009

Volume: 61

Issue: 588

From surfers to fishermen to lifeboat coxswains, people who rely on the sea need to be expert at understanding what it’s doing. But how well do you know your tides, waves and currents?

The sea is changing all the time....

Category: Articles

From the Director

Date: Autumn 1992

Volume: 52

Issue: 522

Printing deadlines mean that I have to write my annual message in mid-October - a convenient time on this occasion because I have just returned from two visits which, in their separate ways, confirmed that the RNLI is buoyant and in good...

Category: Articles


Date: Winter 2017

Volume: 61

Issue: 618 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2016/17

Struggling in the cold, dark sea, three football fans wondered if it was game over 

After a night out in Barmouth watching Wales play in a televised football match on 6 July 2016, three sailors rowed a small dinghy...

Category: Articles