THE December number of the Life-boat, recording as it does the happenings in the months of July, August and Septem- ber, invariably has a bulky section devoted to the detailed accounts of services by the life-boats, for it is in the summer...
Category: Articles
GOLD MEDAL SERVICE AT NEWCASTLE JANUARY 21ST. - NEWCASTLE, AND CLOUGHEY, CO. DOWN. At 12.45 in the morning a message came to Cloughey from the coastguard that a steamer was ashore half a mile off Ballyquinton, and at 1.40 the life-boat...
Every Christmas and Easter for ten years Southport Mummers Group (with St George, the King of Egypt, Beelzebub and all the others) has toured the hostelries of South Lancashire with its ancient traditional plays to collect money for the... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE Stromness Motor Life-boat has already shown on more than one occasion what a Motor Life-boat can do in the way of long-distance services. One of these was described in The Life-Boat for February this year. On that occasion she travelled...
The RNLI's Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards were held once again on London's South Bank on Tuesday 10 May 1994. Once again both meetings attracted a large and interested assembly to hear of the Institution's work...
Category: Meetings
BEEN out in the Life-boat often ? Ay, ay, sir, oft enough.
When it's rougher than this? Lor" bless you! this ain't what we calls rough; It's when there's a gale a-blowin', and the waves run in and...
Category: Poetry
THE portrait on the cover is of Hubert Ernest Petit, who has been coxswain of the St. Peter Port, Guernsey, life- boat since 1948. The photograph, which was taken by Mr. Carel Toms, shows the coxswain at the wheel dur- ing the voyage of...
Category: Articles
ALTHOUGH 1956 was by far the busiest year the Life-boat Service has known in time of peace, in the first three months of the present year even greater demands were made on lifeboat crews than were made in the corresponding months of 1956. By...
Category: Articles
IN making his report on the past year's work of the life-boat service at the Institution's annual general meeting on the 30th of March, a meeting which is reported in full on page 436, Earl Howe, the Chairman of the Committee of...
Category: Articles
THE following brief description and diagrams illustrative of a complete Life-boat Establishment, including the House for the protection of the boat, will serve to convey an idea of the general character of one of the 284 Life-boat Stations...
Category: Articles