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13528 search results for 'wreck chart'
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Sketch of the Progress Made In the Construction of Coast Life-Boats. 1785-1900. No. 3

Date: November 1900

Volume: 17

Issue: 198

IN the last number of the Life-boat Journal (August, 1900) this sketch was taken up to 1840, when the Liverpool type of Life-boat came into use, and the improvements in that type were traced up to the present date.


Category: Articles


Date: November 1907

Volume: 20

Issue: 226

About 1 A.M.

on the 9th March the schooner Vixen of Fowey was wrecked on the beach about two and a half miles to the north of Palling. She was laden with burnt ore and was bound from London to the Tyne. The crew consisted...

Excuse Me Sir Is That Your Lifeboat

Date: Winter 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 515

Workington didn't miss a trick when a Mersey class lifeboat visited the station for trials. One very wet and windy day during the Christmas period they trolleyed her along to their local Safeway supermarket and parked her in the car park... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Golden Charter

Date: Spring 1997

Volume: 55

Issue: 540

The caring approach to a sensitive subject THERE COMES A TIME IN LIFE when it's natural to consider your own funeral....

and to think alx ut loved ones and what you'd like to leave them.

Not the...

Category: Advertisement

Golden Charter

Date: Autumn 1995

Volume: 54

Issue: 534

You plan for things that might happen.

GOLDEN CHARTER St Pre-Paid Funeral Plans How about planning for something that definitely will? YOUR FUNERAL. Hopefully it won't be for many years to come. So why plan for it now...

Category: Advertisement


Date: 2016

Volume: 61

Issue: 616 Lifeboat Magazine Summer 2016

Our lifesavers rescue thousands every Summer, but not everyone can be saved. That’s why the RNLI has launched its biggestever campaign – and why a father in mourning has bravely spoken about why everybody should Respect the Water...

Category: Articles

Empire Clara

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

FEBRUARY 26TH. - GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON, NORFOLK. At 1.32 in the morning the coastguard telephoned that a vessel was aground on the east side of Scroby Sands, but not showing distress signals, and at 2.20 the Gorleston motor lifeboat...

Early start

Date: Winter 2012

Volume: 61

Issue: 602 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2012

27 October 2012: The volunteer crew at Castletownbere were denied a Saturday morning lie-in, launching at 5am to a 33m Spanish fishing trawler, which had grounded on the western point of Bere Island, Co Cork. All...

Category: Articles

Reminiscences of the Coast and Depot

Date: December 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 374

AFTER twenty-seven years with the Institution it is brought home to me more than ever that the great majority of the people of these islands have a dash of the salt of the sea in their veins. For twelve years, as an in- spector on the coast,...

Category: Articles

Shark Tempest

Date: September 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 425

Tenby, Pembrokeshire - At 4.20 p.m.

on 12th April, 1968, a report was received that a small boat was firing flares 500 yards from Stackpool quay. The life-boat Henry Comber Brown was launched at 4.28 in a moderate easterly...