"he days when wood was the automatic choice of material from which to build a lifeboat have long gone - today aluminium, steel and a new generation of composites are providing the solutions to technical problems. James Paffett explains ...
Category: Articles
The annual summer appeal made last year by the fishwives of Cullercoats raised £278. This is the twentieth year of their appeal, and this is the largest sum which the* hare ever raised. The total is now £-2983..
Category: Articles
'At 5 P.M. on the 6th December a telephone message was received from H.M.S. Hannibal request- ing the Life-boat to proceed to the as- sistance of a vessel which had stranded on the Skerries. The Motor Life-boat John A. Hay was dispatched...
During a strong wind and heavy sea, on the 18th August, the Life-boat Rescue was taken afloat for exercise. While she was out the Kingsbridge Packet steamer left that har- bour, bound for Plymouth, and shortly after passing the Salcombe...
On the role:
L: ‘I’m immensely proud of Gary’s role with the RNLI and am behind him 110%. I believe the commitment has to be from the families as well or it’s not possible to do it.’ G: ‘I’ve now been on the crew for 17...
Category: Articles
ANYONE who has studied with care the transcript of evidence before the Sheriff's Court in Aberdeen, which investigated the causes of the capsize of the Fraserburgh life-boat last January, and the findings of the court itself, must be...
Category: Articles
THE annual general meeting of the Governors of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 3rd of March, 1959. The Earl Howe, Chairman of the Committee of Management, was in the...
Category: Meetings
Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire - At 12.10 p.m. on 2ist July, 1966, a vessel off Broadsea was seen firing rockets and appeared to be on fire. The life-boat The Duchess of Kent was launched at 12.20 in a gentle north-westerly wind and a choppy sea...
The remote control, or extension, beside the mechanic's head as he sits at his controls. The cable for his transmitting microphone can be seen. The microphone itself is tucked into a box beside him. On the extension itself arc the... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The ladies of Kidderminster guild line up in front of some of the merchandise at their nearly new shop. They have every good reason to look pleased as this year they raised £3,032.27 by their sales.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs