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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Electrical Communication on the Coast

Date: August 1895

Volume: 16

Issue: 177

DURING the last three years good progress has been made with the all-important system of electrical communication on the coast for life-saving purposes, pro- moted by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. The majority of the most...

Category: Articles

Appeal on Behalf of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: February 1888

Volume: 13

Issue: 147

The Angel of Death laughed aloud in his glee, As he wildly careered o'er the pitiless sea : To the winds and the waters he spake but a word, And the wind and the waters grew mad as they heard.

He laid his cold hand on...

Category: Poetry

(Below) the Naming Ceremony Cake Baked By Sunblest Bakeries (Aberdeen); Its Top Was Preserved and Presented to Mrs Betty Bird Wife of Coxswain Albert Bird

Date: Autumn 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 458

(Below) The naming ceremony cake baked by Sunblest Bakeries (Aberdeen); its top was preserved and presented to Mrs Betty Bird, wife of Coxswain Albert Bird.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Amicizia, of Genoa

Date: October 1868

Volume: 06

Issue: 70

On the 23rd May, during a strong breeze from the N.E. by E., the brig Amicizia, of Genoa, was observed to take the ground in the Stanford Channel. The Lowestoft and Pakefield life-boats both put off to the rescue of the crew. The first-named...

The Oil Tank Steamer Weehawken

Date: August 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 257

At 6.30 P.M. on the 23rd January a message was received stating that a vessel was in distress about ten miles off Trevose Head. The Institution's tug was dispatched to her assistance, but in the darkness failed to find the vessel. She...

The Patrol Vessel Cramond Island (1)

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941


ABBS, BERWICKSHIRE. At 2.20 in the afternoon a message was received at Eyemouth that a patrol vessel had been attacked and sunk by enemy aeroplanes about three miles out, and at 2.35 the motor...

Walton and Frinton: Tsunami at Anchor South of Long Sand As Edian Courtauld Approached the Wind Was North East By North Force 9 With Heavy Seas the Weather Overc

Date: Spring 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 456

Walton and Frinton: Tsunami at anchor south of Long Sand as Edian Courtauld approached. The wind was north east by north force 9, with heavy seas, the weather overcast with heavy rain squalls.

photograph by courtesy of the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The New Launching Tractor

Date: November 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 296

By Captain Howard F. I. Rowley, C.B.E., R.N., Chief Inspector of Life boats.

LAST year the Institution completed the first of a new type of tractor for launching Life-boats off flat beaches. It was built as the result of...

Category: Inaugurations

The Clarinda, of Sunderland

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

On the 3rd De- cember, the brig Clarinda, of Sunderland, was seen drifting along the coast to the north- ward of Sutton. A very heavy gale of wind was blowing, and the vessel appeared in a very distressed condition, with her. main- mast gone...

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: May 1887

Volume: 13

Issue: 144

For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.




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