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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Shoreboat Services. For Which Rewards Were Given at the February, March and April Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: June 1934

Volume: 29

Issue: 318

For which Rewards were given at the February, March and April Meetings of the Committee of Management.

Bridlington, Yorkshire. — At about 7 A.M. on the morning of the llth January a man was badly injured on board the...

Category: Services

Life-Boat Day In London. The Prince of Wales's Tour of the Depots

Date: May 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 294

LAST year the Prince of Wales, as President of the Institution, issued a special appeal through the Press, for a generous response. This year he took a still more intimate part in the Day by visiting a number of depots, and personally...

Category: Articles

The Ketch-Rigged Yacht Thelma II, of Beaumaris

Date: December 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 328

Portrush, Co. Antrim. — On the morning of the 1st September the auxiliary ketch-rigged yacht Thelma II, of Beaumaris, carrying a crew of three, left Portrush for Liverpool under sail.

Her engine was out of action. A very...

Notices of Books. The Mercantile Marine Magazine

Date: July 1857

Volume: 03

Issue: 25

AMONGST the numerous valuable periodical publications, magazines, and reviews, with which the literature of this country abounds, is it not strange that, until but recently, there should have been none exclusively representing and devoted to...

Category: Articles

Flying Cloud, of Bideford

Date: January 1870

Volume: 07

Issue: 75

On the 28th De- cember, during a gale from S.S.W., the brig Flying Cloud, of Bideford, was run into by another vessel, and afterwards became a total wreck on Batten Reef. The Prince Consort life-boat was quickly launched, and succeeded in...

The S.S. Duke of Sparta

Date: July 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 346

St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. — About 11.40 in the morning of the 19th of April, 1948, the coastguard reported that the s.s. Duke of Sparta had wire- lessed that she was on the Seven Stones Rocks. A later message said that she was making...

The Blackwater Lightvessel

Date: September 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 362

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford. — The Commissioners of Irish Lights asked if the life-boat would take relief men to the Blackwater Lightvessel and the Tuskar Rock Lighthouse as the Commissioners' boats were not available. At 12.30 on the...

Feature the Caister Life-Boat Disaster

Date: Winter 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 559

Thankfully, lifeboat disasters are rare. Lifeboats are designed to withstand the very worst conditions and on occasions in recent years many crews have had cause to be grateful to the self-righting capability of modern lifeboats. The sea is...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Ayrshire Coast, of Liverpool (2)

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946


A heavy south-westerly gale was blowing. The seas were very heavy. Visibility was poor. At 5.35 in the morning information came to the Torbay life-boat...

The Launch of the Selsey Motor Life-Boat

Date: December 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 282

(Note the Trolley, at the Head of die Slipway, by means of which the Boat is run along on Rail; from the Boat-house.). - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs