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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Services of the Life-Boats

Date: August 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 253

Plymouth, Devon.—The German Schooner Erna, belonging to Bremen, drove ashore on Drake's Island in Plymouth Sound on the night of the 21st February, during a S.S.E. gale which at times attained the violence of a hurricane. The vessel...

Category: Services


Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941

Launches 59. Lives rescued 46.

SEPTEMBER 3RD.- WEYMOUTH, DORSET. At 7.50 P.M. information was received from the naval authorities at Portland, through the coastguard, that three trawlers or drifters were ashore between St....

Category: Services

Wreck Ashore

Date: October 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 38

Is a man's life worth four pounds seven shillings and twopence ? The wind moans and pipes through the trees n the garden, and comes rumbling down the chimneys of our lodging by the sea. There rises from the beach a solemn roar of waters....

Category: Articles

Some Ways of Raising Money

Date: Winter 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 487

Birmingham branch had a busy time last October. In one week an exhibition at the New Street Shopping Centre raised a magnificent £2,700. The branch's annual dinner and dance, held during the same week at the Botanical Gardens, and...

Category: Articles


Date: Winter 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 535

Out in the open around the country! Once again the RNLI will be opening its facilities to visitors this year, enabling them to gain a firsthand impression of how the Institution works and the quality of the boats and...

Category: Articles


Date: Autumn 2003

Volume: 59

Issue: 566

Alan chips in Kind-hearted chip shop owner Alan Smith threw a lifeline to Kessock lifeboat in October when he donated an entire day's takings from his branch of Harry Ramsden's in Inverness. Alan hasn't forgotten that he owes...

Category: Articles

A Year of Exceptional Achievement for RNLI

Date: June 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 416

— Annual Meeting Report APACKED Central Hall, Westminster, heard Captain the Hon. V. M.

Wyndham-Quin, R.N., Chairman of the Committee of Management, report on 20th April, 1966, that never had the life-boat service, in all...

Category: Meetings

Lifeboat Services

Date: Spring 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 508

Four saved from MFV among rocks in hurricane-force gustsCoxswain David Chant of the St Davids lifeboat, Dyfed, has been awarded the Institution's Bronze medal for bravery following the rescue of four fishermen in severe gales on 26...

Category: Services

Small Ads

Date: Autumn 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 554

To advertise on these pages please contact Deborah Roos, Madison Bell Ltd, 20 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7EF. Telephone 020 7389 0825, Fax 020 7839 6719 or E-mail [email protected].

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Category: Advertisement

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Date: August 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 97

THURSDAY, 7th Jan., 1875: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.U.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and...

Category: Committee