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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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(Left) Port Bow View of 30' Self-Righting Pulling Lifeboat Built By T and Iv Forrestt and Son for the Us Life Saving Service and Now In the Mariners Museum Newport N

Date: Spring 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 448

(Left) Port bow view of 30' self-righting pulling lifeboat built by T. and IV. Forrestt and Son for the US Life Saving Service and now in The Mariners Museum, Newport News, Virginia, USA.

photograph by courtesy of The... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The S.S. Lady Beatrix, of Sunderland

Date: July 1866

Volume: 06

Issue: 61

Early on the morning of the-16th Feb- ruary last, the same life-boat put off in reply to signals of distress from the S. S. Lady Beatrix, of Sunderland, bound from that port to London with coals, which vessel had struck on the Middle Cross...

Lena, of Waterford

Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944

NOVEMBER 16TH. - DUNMORE EAST, CO. WATERFORD. At 3.35 in the afternoon coastwatchers at Brownstown Head saw a boat in difficulties in Tramore Bay and informed the life-boat station. A strong south-south-east wind was blowing, with a very...

Summer of '37

Date: Spring 1986

Volume: 50

Issue: 496

Recently I came across some old photographs which I am sending to you hoping they will be of interest. In 1937 we were spending a family holiday in St Ives, Cornwall, and one day during our first week we found ourselves, with other holiday... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Dedication of a Life-Boat

Date: September 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 323

THOSE who read of the naming ceremonies of life-boats, but have not been present at one, may be interested to read also the service with which, before she is named, every life-boat is solemnly dedicated to her work. This service is used by...

Category: Articles

Vee Dee Bee

Date: December 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 422

Bembridge, Isle of Wight - At 10.57 p.m. on iSth June, 1967, flares were reported in the vicinity of Horse Sand Fort. The life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched at 11.23 m a light south south westerly breeze and a smooth sea. The tide was ebbing....

News from the Branches

Date: November 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 277


The Annual Meeting was held on 15th March, Lady Montgomery, the Chairman of the Committee, presiding.

The annual report for the year ended 30th September, 1921, -which was pre- sented to...

Category: Branches

"Storm Warriors of the Suffolk Coast."

Date: December 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 332

IN the review of Major Ernest Cooper's book Storm Warriors of the Suffolk Coast, which appeared in the last issue of The Life-boat, it was mentioned that the book could be bought from the Institution, price 3s. 6d. post...

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2012 - the year of the floods

Date: Spring 2013

Volume: 61

Issue: 603 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2013

RNLI lifeboats launched more than 8,000 times in 2012 in a year of poor weather and heavy rainfall. Despite the weather, our lifeguards helped more than 16,000 people.

Meanwhile, the RNLI Flood Rescue Team had their...

Category: Articles

The Latvian Steamer Helena Faulbaums

Date: March 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 329

Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, and Barra Island, Hebrides.—On the night of the 26th October the Latvian steamer Helena Faulbaums, of Riga, bound light from Liverpool to Blyth, was caught in a sudden and exceptionally severe storm near Jura...