JULY 13TH. - MARGATE, KENT. An aeroplane was reported as having come down in the sea a few miles out, but though the life-boat searched over a wide area she could find nothing.-Rewards, £6 4s..
FEBRUARY 7TH . - SUNDERLAND , DURHAM. An aeroplane had been reported in the sea, but she had landed safely and the life-boat was recalled. - Rewards, £9 6S.
AUGUST 21ST. - WICKLOW. A vessel had been reported on fire, but nothing was found, and later it was learned that the crew of the vessel had got the fire under control. - Rewards, £5 7s 6d.
Long Search THE STERN TRAWLER Anmara and her crew of three were reported overdue from Scarborough on the evening of May 21, 1987 and a search was organised by Humber Coastguard, to begin at first light on the following day.
IN No. 10 of this Journal we described and eulogized this, as we believe, invaluable boat, invented by the Rev. E. L. BERTHON, of Fareham, and in our 23rd Number we stated that we should not cease to draw the attention of our readers to its...
Category: Articles
An aeroplane had been reported down in the sea, but nothing could be found.
- Permanent paid crew..
THURSDAY, l11th April, 1912.
The Bight Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., was unanimously elected Chairman and SIR JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., C.M.G., V.P., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution...
Category: Committee
rescue Insight Here is just a handful of incidents from 2007 from around the UK and RoI to give an insight into the thousands of lifeboat rescues carried out each year. See pages 20–27 for rescues marked . 1 freeD frOm rOPeS aS water riSeS A...
Category: Articles
THE December number of the Life-boat, recording as it does the happenings in the months of July, August and Septem- ber, invariably has a bulky section devoted to the detailed accounts of services by the life-boats, for it is in the summer...
Category: Articles
WHEN i WORKED for a weekly newspaper in the late 1940s on the Grimsby/ Cleethorpes side of the Humber I used to dream of visiting Spurn Head on the Yorkshire side. Certainly, when viewed through one of the telescopes on the front on a clear...
Category: Articles