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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The S.S. Rosso, of Stockholm (1)

Date: September 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 362

Montrose, and Broughty Ferry, Angus, Eyemouth, Berwickshire, and Gourdon,Kincardineshire.—At 4.52 in the after- noon of the 7th of March, 1952, the S.S. Rosso, of Stockholm, bound for Sweden from Methie, wirelessed that she was leaking...

His Models Help the RNLI

Date: March 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 427

£2,700 or more. Through HQ Scottish Command help was given under 'OPMAC (Operations with Military Assistance to the Civil Community). The location was reconnoitered by the 117 Field Support Squadron, R.E., and plans were drawn up...

Category: Articles

Life-Boat Services Round the Coasts

Date: June 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 428

THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 143 station life-boats 36 inshore rescue boats 1 70-foot steel life-boat on operational trials 1 44-foot steel life-boat on evaluation trials at Barry Dock LIVES RESCUED 90,420 from the Institution's foundation in...

Category: Services

A Rough Passage. The Journey of the St. Ives Motor Life-Boat to Her Station

Date: June 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 314

The Jonrney of the St. Ives Motor Life-boat to her Station.

By LIEUT.-COMMANDER H. L. WHEELER, R.N., Southern District Inspector.

WE left Cowes for St. Ives, Cornwall, at noon on the 18th March. On board...

Category: Articles

William of, Londonderry

Date: February 1872

Volume: 08

Issue: 83

On the 1st March the brigantine William, of Londonderry, was seen driving into Dun- drum Bay, during a strong S.S.E. wind.

She had her foremast carried away by the deck, and was waterlogged. The Life-boat Reigate was...

Unlucky Break:

Date: Summer 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 493

Unlucky break: having landed safely after his sponsored parachute jump, disaster struck Stan Todd while he was running to gather up his parachute—he tripped on a furrow and broke his ankle! Stan, who is a member of Brighton's lifeboat... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Life-Boat

Date: May 1902

Volume: 18

Issue: 204

The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of the different types of Life-boats used in the Institution's service. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view. Fig. 2 the " plan " or deck view. Fig....

Category: Articles

The Dutch Medina Lifeboat Koningin Beatrix (Below) Which Visited Poole In Early June Demonstrates the Exceptional Manoeuvrability of Her Jet Propulsion Off the Shingle Bank

Date: Spring 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 488

The Dutch Medina lifeboat Koningin Beatrix (below), which visited Poole in early June, demonstrates the exceptional manoeuvrability of her jet propulsion off the Shingle Bank.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Ethel Hilda

Date: September 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 311

The Motor Life-boat Edward Z. Dresden was launched at 7 P.M. on the 1st July and went to the Buxey Sands, as the Coast- guard had reported a vessel ashore. A strong S.W. breeze was blowing with a rough sea. The Life-boat found that the...

Left: Spirit Of The RCT Punches Through The Surf

Date: Autumn 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 578

Left: Spirit of the RCT punches through the surf Photo: RBS/Rick Tomlinson. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs