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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Gallant Life-Boat Men

Date: August 1895

Volume: 16

Issue: 177

WE'VE songs in praise of men of fame, Of men who've fought and bled, Whose names still live in history, Though they themselves are dead: But I'll not sing of heroes gone— My burthen now shall be Our gallant British Life-boat men,...

Category: Poetry

Race to the pole

Date: Winter 2009

Volume: 61

Issue: 590

Race to the Pole
by James Cracknell
and Ben Fogle

Review by Charlie Cash

After conquering the perils of the Atlantic Ocean in an open boat, most people would wallow in the...

Category: Articles

Lists of Awards

Date: Spring 1998

Volume: 56

Issue: 544

to -voluntary zvorkers at the 1998 Annual Presentation of Awards Since the last Annual Presentation of Awards Meeting, the Committee of Management has awarded three Honorary Life Governorships, 10 Bars to the Gold Badge and 50 Gold Badges....

Category: Awards

Foynes Island, 10 miles down the Shannon Estuary, has a fast running title with an average depth of 20 feet at most stages. by courtesy of (the Irish Tourist Board)

Date: Spring 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 444

Foynes Island, 10 miles downthe Shannon Estuary, has a fast running title with an average ilepth of 20 feet at most stages. - View image in PDF

by courtesy of (lie Irish Tourist Board. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Lerwick: After Standing By the Listing Fred Everard All Night on Her Slow Progress Towards Lerwick Through Gale Force Winds As the List Increased the 52' Barnett Relief L

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

Lerwick: After standing by the listing Fred Everard all night, on her slow progress towards Lerwick through gale force winds, as the list increased, the 52' Barnett relief lifeboat Ramsay Dyce took off her chief engineer's wife and... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Minister for the Marine Visits Galway Lifeboat Station

Date: Winter 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 551

Within three days of his appointment as Minister for The Marine and Natural Resources, Frank Fahey TD (Teachta Dala - Member of the Irish Dail or parliament) paid a courtesy call to Galway lifeboat station to visit the boathouse and view the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Summary of the Year's Work (1)

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

Lives Rescued.

Lives rescued by life-boats before the outbreak of war - - -197

Lives rescued by life-boats after the outbreak of war - - - 1001

Total of lives rescued by life-boats...

Category: Annual Reports

The Life-Saving Service of the United States

Date: August 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 181

INFORMATION relative to the Life-boat and other Life-saving Services of other countries moat always be of great interest to the supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, which, being the oldest Life-boat Service in the world,...

Category: Articles

Hope, of Dublin

Date: January 1861

Volume: 04

Issue: 39

On the 20th August, at daylight, a small vessel, which afterwards proved to be the smack Hope, of Dublin, was observed to be on shore on the Horse Bank at the entrance to the Mersey. The Southport life-boat, in con- nection with the NATIONAL...

Hms Kedleston and Other Escorts Accompany City of Edinburgh Up the Forth

Date: Winter 1986

Volume: 49

Issue: 495

HMS Kedleston and other escorts accompany City of Edinburgh up the Forth. - View image in PDF

photograph by courtesy of The Scotsman. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs