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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Longest Loaf In the World: Coventry Mercia Round Table Giving Effect to An Idea By Tom Commander Was Responsible In 1975 for a New Entry In the Guinness Book Of

Date: Autumn 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 454

The longest loaf in the world: Coventry Mercia Round Table, giving effect to an idea by Tom Commander, was responsible in 1975 for a new entry in the Guinness Book of Records, and for the raising of about £4,000 for the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Services of the Life-Boats In October, November and December, 1953. 85 Lives Rescued

Date: March 1954

Volume: 33

Issue: 367

OCTOBER DURING October life-boats were launched 42 times and rescued 16 lives.

DOCTOR TAKEN TO SHETLAND ISLAND Aith, Shetlands.—At 2.35 on the after- noon of the 2nd of October, 1953, the doctor at...

Category: Services

Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1884

Date: May 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 132

1.—Moved by His Grace The DUKE OF ARGYLL, KG., K.T.

Seconded by Admiral of the Fleet The Hon. SIR HENRY KEPPEL, G.C.B.

1.—That the Report now read be adopted, printed, and...

Category: Meetings

The Duke of Edinburgh Merchant Seamen

Date: November 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 94

WE notice with pleasure that growing interest by public men in the concerns of the seamen of the country, which is always one of the signs indicative of the importance of any particular matter be-ginning to be realised by the nation at large...

Category: Articles

'SUNSET OVER SAMSON': the Isles of Scilly ladies' guild has produced a long playing record to be sold in aid of the RNLI and the first record was presented to Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge and his wife Pat by the guild's souvenir secretary, Mrs Clare J

Date: Summer 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 469

'SUNSET OVER SAMSON': The Isles of Scilly ladies' guild has produced a long playing record to be sold in aid of the RNLI and the first record was presented to Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge and his wife Pat by the guild's... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The German Sailing Ship Adolf Vinne

Date: March 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 278

LAST February was one of the stormiest Februaries on record. During the month there were over fifty launches on service, and nearly forty lives were saved. The two services, however, which most deserve to be recorded are two, both by Motor...

The Lifeboat Service In Two World Wars

Date: Autumn 1973

Volume: 43

Issue: 446

THE Royal National Lifeboat Institution, which depends entirely on voluntary contributions, was founded in 1824 and has now saved over 98,500 lives in peace and war. Sir William Hillary, the founder, built the lifeboat service on sound...

Category: Articles

Bayadere, of Rouen

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

About nine P.M. on the 1st December, the barque Bayadere, of Rouen, parted from her anchors, and struck on the rocks near the lighthouse, at Holyhead.

It was blowing at the time a most terrific gale from the N. The Princess...

The Lord Mayor's Show

Date: February 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 293

LAST November, for the first time since 1924, the Centenary year, a Lifeboat took part in the Lord Mayor's Show. The Boat was a Pulling and Sailing Life-boat from the Reserve Fleet at the Store-yard at Poplar. She was drawn by a...

Category: Articles

Stella, of London & Criterion

Date: August 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 93

At daybreak, on I the morning of the 27th Aug., the yacht I Sulla, of London, riding at anchor in i Holknam Bay, was seen to be exhibiting ) a signal of distress. There was a heavy ) gale from the north blowing at the time, j which had...