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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, K.G.

Date: June 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 326

Address at the Annual Meeting.

MR. CHAIRMAN, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, although this is the first time that I have spoken at your Annual Meeting, I am by no means unfamiliar with the work of the life-boat...

Category: Meetings

Lady Huntley, of Maryport

Date: November 1871

Volume: 08

Issue: 82

During a south- easterly gale the brigantine Lady Huntley, of Maryport, parted from both her an- chors and went ashore in Ramsey Bay before daybreak on the morning of the 16th January. As the tide made the vessel was gradually covered,...

Electronic Eyes and Ears Reviewed by Cdr Ken Wollan

Date: Winter 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 499

Further developments in the Communications and Navigational Aids of a Modern Lifeboat By Cdr KEN WOLLAN QBE RN Staff Officer (Communications) RNLI MY PREDECESSOR, Lieutenant Ernest Gough, wrote an excellent article which appeared in the...

Category: Articles

News from the Branches

Date: June 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 298

1st January to 31st March.

[Since September of last year the " News from the Branches " has been given in a more abbreviated form than before, but reference has been made to the work of many more Branches. To...

Category: Branches

The Women of Holy Island. A Fine Launch and a Silver Medal Service

Date: February 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 275

ON Sunday, the 15th January, a south-easterly gale was blowing, with blinding snow-storms. A heavy sea was breaking on Holy Island, and the j weather was bitterly cold. Just before eight o'clock in the evening a...

Category: Medals

George, of Sunderland

Date: July 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 73

On the morn- ing of the 17th of November a vessel was seen burning a light as a signal of distress during a strong gale from S.S.E., and in a heavy sea. The Grocers' life-boat, sta- tioned at Mundesley, was at once got ready, and...

The French Life-Boat Service

Date: August 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 181

IN June we were honoured by a visit from the COMTE DE BIZEMONT, the Chief Inspector of our sister service in France, and we need hardly say it was a great pleasure to welcome him and show him what he required to see. Among other things the...

Category: Articles

Life-Boats and Life-Saving Apparatus In the United States of America

Date: February 1880

Volume: 11

Issue: 115

WE have in previous numbers of the Life-boat Journal given accounts of the Life-saving Institutions of France and Germany, and have referred to those in other maritime countries of Europe. We feel sure that equal interest will be felt in a...

Category: Articles

The Conningbeg Lightship

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939


At 3.30 P.M. a telephone message was received that there was a sick man on the Conningbeg Lightship who had to be moved immediately to hospital, and that the Irish Lights tender was unable...