The following figures show the general form, the nature of the fittings and air-chambers of one of these boats, 33 feet in length and 8 feet in breadth. In figs. 1 and 2, the elevation and deck plans, the general exterior form of the boat is...
Category: Articles
Coverack, Cornwall.—On the 22nd September a fisherman took three visitors out fishing in his motor launch, the Silver Cloud, of Coverack. They were expected back by seven in the evening, but as they had not returned by midnight, and anxiety...
Three days later Dover coastguard reported to Hastings station honorary secretary at 1030 on Monday July 16, that the Belgian yacht, Kotique, had engine trouble and needed a lifeboat.
As the station's 37ft Oakley class...
Keith Downey, nephew of one of the victims of the Rye pulling and sailing lifeboat Mary Stanford disaster in 1928, is here shown demonstrating the use of Professor Pask's aid to resuscitation in the Rye Harbour ILB.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
The late Coxswain Daniel Kirkpatrick, of Longhope, who lost his life when the life-boat capsized on 17th March, had a few days before been told that he had been elected to receive the annual gift of £5 from the Miss Maud Smith endow-...
Category: Awards
Sheringham, and Cromer, Norfolk.
At 9.50 on the morning of the 31st of May, 1958, the Cromer coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary that a re- quest had been made by the Trinity House Superintendent at Great Yar...
Ramsey ladies' guild gave a special party in July for their president, Mrs Ann Ritchie, during which she was presented with the vellum to mark her election as an honorary life governor of the Institution. The presentation was made by... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Greater London.
BALHAM.—Special meeting. Branch formed. Lieut.-Colonel G. F. Doland, O.B.E., J.P., M.P., L.CC., patron; the Mayor of Wandsworth, president; Kngr. Rear-Admiral W. M. Whayman, C.B., Councillor Evan Rees, M.I.G...
Category: Branches
The Life-boat appears again after an absence of just seven years. Its last number was dated April, 1940. In that month Germany invaded Denmark and Norway. At the end of the next month the British Expeditionary Fotce was brought off from the...
Category: Articles
THE FRIENDLY FORESTER A gift to the Institution from the Ancient Order of Foresters (see page 676). - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs