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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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Date: December 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 378

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—At 8.43 on the evening of the 31st of July, 1956, the coastguard rang up to say that the S.S. Greyfriars had reported that the motor cruiser Syrinx, of London, which had a crew of five, had broken down and was...

The Campbeltown Inaugural Ceremony

Date: November 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 304

The Lord Provost" of.GIasgow speaking. On the right of the table the Duke of Montrose and the Duke of Argyll.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Otto Miller and the Nora After Their Collision at Sea

Date: June 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 412

The Otto Miller and The Nora After Their Collision at Sea. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Most Lives Saved

Date: Winter 2007

Volume: 60

Issue: 579

Feature The most lives saved A hundred years ago, a liner full of passengers needed saving off the Cornish coast – one lifeboat just wasn’t going to be enough After months at sea, the White Star liner Suevic was within hours of completing...

Category: Articles

The Annual Meetings

Date: Spring 1990

Volume: 51

Issue: 512

The South Bank Meetings 1990 The Annual General Meeting and Presentation of Awards for 1989 The RNLI's 1990 Annual General meeting and Presentation of Awards, held on the South Bank in London on May 22, were again well attended by...

Category: Meetings

Notes of the Quarter

Date: October 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 441

IT is NOW possible to become a member of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. Up to now anyone interested could become a member of a branch or guild of the R.N.L.I., a governor of the Institution, an honorary vice-president, or a member...

Category: Articles

Below: the Image of the Lifeboat Service That Was Most Commonly Chosen By the School Children Who Were Interviewed.

Date: Summer 1992

Volume: 52

Issue: 521

Below: The image of the lifeboat service that was most commonly chosen by the school children who were interviewed. The school children were given a number of different pictures representing ideas of the RNLI and the reality.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Storeyard's Children's Party

Date: February 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 283

THE Institution's Storeyard is at Poplar, in a district of London where there is a great deal of poverty, and at Christmas last year it gave a Tea and Entertainment to over 150 children.

It was entirely arranged and...

Category: Articles

The Lady Olive

Date: October 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 347

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—Shortly before five o'clock in the afternoon of the 22nd of August, 1948, the coast- guard telephoned that a yacht was off Hove, with a strong on-shore breeze blowing from the south-west, and a rough sea. The...

The Late Lord Lawrence

Date: August 1879

Volume: 10

Issue: 113

THE memory of the late distinguished Viceroy of India will, like many of his great predecessors, be long honoured and held in affectionate remembrance. Lord Lawrence took considerable interest in the welfare of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT...

Category: Obituaries