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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The Greek Motor Vessel Nafsiporos

Date: June 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 420

Douglas, Isle of Man; Holy head and Moelfre, Anglesey - On 2nd December, 1966, the Douglas, Holyhead and Moelfre life-boats were launched to the Greek motor vessel Nafsiporos. A full account of this service, for which two gold medals were...

Service to a Tanker of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Date: March 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 403

AT 3.40 on the afternoon of 17th November, 1962 the honorary secre- tary of the Clovelly life-boat station, Mr. J. C. Hilton, learnt from the coast- guard that a tug was firing red flares three miles north-west of Hartland Point. Five...

Category: Services

Her Majesty the Queen's Recognition of Gallant Conduct

Date: October 1859

Volume: 04

Issue: 34

THE destruction by fire of H. M.'s troop-ship Birkenhead, in 1852, and of the hired transport Europa,* in 1854, will no doubt be remembered by many of our readers.

Both catastrophes were attended by lamentable loss of...

Category: Articles

Question In the House

Date: March 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 423

In the House of Commons on llth December, 1967, there was a written question put by Mr. Edward Rowlands, M.P. for Cardiff North, on the R.N.L.L Mr. Rowlands asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he would take steps to provide a...

Category: Articles

Acker Bilk and His Jazzmen Were the Big Attraction at the Grand Ball Organised By the Recently Re-Formed Brightlingsea and District Branch Held In the Spring at a Holid

Date: Summer 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 469

Acker Bilk and his Jazzmen were the big attraction at the grand ball organised by the recently re-formed Brightlingsea and District branch. Held in the spring at a holiday camp owned by the branch chairman, D. L. Hammerton, the ball raised... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

James, the Manturu and the Magnet

Date: February 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 139

THURSO, CAITHNESS-SHIRE.—During a heavy gale from the N.E., on the 12th October, signals of distress were shown by vessels at anchor in Scrabster roadstead.

The Life-boat Charley Lloyd was launched, and went first to the...

The Nictaux, of St Johns

Date: October 1869

Volume: 07

Issue: 74

On the 13th March, during a strong S.W. wind, the ship Nictaux, of St. John's, N.B., struck on James's Bank, about four miles from South- port. The Jessie. Knowles life-boat quickly went off, and, with the assistance of two...

The Coningbeg Lightvessel

Date: March 1956

Volume: 34

Issue: 375

Kilmore, Co. Wexford.—About 2.45 on the afternoon of the 18th of November, 1955, a message was received from the Coast Life-Saving Service that thej brother of two men in the Coningbeg lightvessel had died. A request was made for the...

The Codling Bank Lightvessel

Date: September 1965

Volume: 38

Issue: 413

TO LIGHTVESSEL Wicklow. At 6.45 p.m. on 2ist June, 1965, Irish Lights Office asked the honorary secretary if the life-boat would bring ashore a member of the crew of the Codling Bank lightvessel as his mother was seriously ill. This was...

Stations, Fetes, Flagdays. They Are All Potential Sources of Income and the Volunteers Respond As They Always Have Done - Don the Oilskins and Go for It!

Date: Winter 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 527

Stations, fetes, flagdays. They are all potential sources of income and the volunteers respond as they always have done - don the oilskins and go for it!. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs