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Dedication: Offshore—Inshore

Date: Summer 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 465

MOELFRE, JUNE 17 and BROUGHTY FERRY, JULY 17 BRILLIANT SUNSHINE and a fresh northerly wind building up white horses out at sea gave a sparkling day for the handing over ceremony and dedication of Moelfre's new 37ft 6in Rother lifeboat,...

Category: Inaugurations

Cover Picture

Date: Autumn 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 502

Bude's new 16ft D class inflatable lifeboat in the surf close to shore during a training exercise shortly after her arrival on station.

The Evans/Avon EA 16 lifeboat has a 40hp outboard engine and a top speed of 20... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs


Date: Summer 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 493

Rosslare Harbour ROSSLARE HARBOUR in County Wexford is, according to the tourist brochures, the heart of the Sunny South East.

Unfortunately, on Friday June 28,1985, it failed to live up to its name. With the naming...

Category: Inaugurations

Long-Standing Supporters of the R.N.L.I.

Date: June 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 424

AMONG companies which have given the R.N.L.I. valuable financial support over a number of years are a firm of naval tailors in Harwich, a Leeds brewery, and a Leith firm of shipowners, exporters and importers.

• The Harwich...

Category: Donations

Publicity and Propaganda In Scotland. Formation of a Scottish Council

Date: February 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 289

FOR some considerable period the Committee of Management have felt that the organisation in Scotland of our appeal for funds to carry on the Life-boat Service has not been effective, and that, as a result, the amount raised in that part of...

Category: Committee

Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Date: November 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 218

THURSDAY, 8th June, 1905.

Sir EDWARD BIRKBECK, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and...

Category: Committee

Book Reviews

Date: Spring 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 452

• A new edition of First Aid for Lifeboat Crews has been compiled by the RNLI Medical and Survival Committee and will be issued this summer by authority of the Committee of Management to all lifeboat stations.

This book...

Category: Articles

Peter Farnworth

Date: Spring 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 488

Another prepared to show his face after ten years of beard is Peter Farnworth who persuaded colleagues in the Control Systems and Accessories Department of Rolls Royce, Derby, to part with a total of £105 to go towards Cromer's... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs


Date: Autumn 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 538

These days David Copp never complains about the time his wife spends on the phone. . .

. .The reason is simple., the Copps have found a unique and easy way to raise money for their favourite charity, the...

Category: Advertisement


Date: 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1944


At 5.50 in the evening the coastguard reported a landing craft in need of help outside Wells harbour. A strong north-west wind was blowing, with a rough sea ; it was raining and visibility...