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Notes on the Quarter

Date: Winter 1973

Volume: 42

Issue: 443

IN THE January number of THE LIFE-BOAT details were given of some of the R.N.L.I.'s plans to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its foundation in 1974. To these may now be added an important appeal which is being made to civic heads...

Category: Articles

The Longstone Lighthouse

Date: November 1900

Volume: 17

Issue: 198


ND.—On the 19th February during heavy gale from the S.E., the Coxswain the Life-boat Thomas Bewick received message from the Trinity boatman requesting that the Life-boat might be sent to the...

The Tender M.F.V. 1547

Date: March 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 383

Plymouth, Devon. At 12.54 on the afternoon of the 18th of October, 1957, a message was received that a naval tender was asking for help in Whitsand Bay and that the tug Superman was being sent. As no further details were known it was decided...

(Left) the Final Product, the First Severn

Date: Winter 1993

Volume: 53

Issue: 523

(Left) The final product, the first Severn - in prototype form at least. Four hectic years have passed from the first Operational Requirements, through concept, design, testing, modification, development and operational trials .

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Category: Photographs

The White Star

Date: February 1884

Volume: 12

Issue: 131

CARNSORE, IRELAND.—At about 7 P.M. on the 24th December, a signal of distress was shown from the Tuskar Rock.

The Iris Life-boat proceeded there and found a wrecked vessel, which was hailed, but no answer was received. The...

Life-Boat Services In 1902

Date: May 1903

Volume: 18

Issue: 208

Lives saved.

Ada, ketch, of Gloucester—stood by vessel.

Admiral, smack, of Lowestoft (also saved a dog and a cat) ... 9 Algethi, steamer, of Sborebam— rendered assistance.


Category: Services

The Humber Lightvessel

Date: December 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 366

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 5.50 on the evening of the 16th of August, 1953, the Mablethorpe coastguard rang up to say that the Superintendent of Trinity House at Great Yarmouth had asked if the life-boat would land an injured man from the Humber...

Portrait on the Cover

Date: September 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 381

THE portrait on the cover is of Coxswain Wilfred Perrin of Skegness.

He was appointed coxswain in October 1947, and since then Skegness life-boats have been launched on service 47 times and have rescued 22...

Category: Articles

John S. Oke

Date: Winter 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 499

John S. Oke who, together with his wife, founded the Holsworthy branch in 1975 and was its chairman until his death.

He was awarded a silver badge in 1986..

Category: Obituaries