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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Centenaries In the North-West

Date: September 1964

Volume: 38

Issue: 409

Two life-boat stations in the north- west, Barrow and Blackpool, cele- brated their centenaries in April and June.

It was commercial travellers who raised money for the first 36-foot sail- ing life-boat to be stationed...

Category: Articles

The Mayor of Calais at the Monument Des Sauveteurs

Date: November 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 292

In front of him are the Life-boatmen of Calais.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Directions for Restoring the Apparently Drowned

Date: May 1881

Volume: 11

Issue: 120

THE leading principles of the following Directions for the Restoration of the apparently Dead from Drowning are founded on those of the late DR. MARSHALL HALL, combined with those of DR. H. R. SILVESTER, and are the result of extensive...

Category: Articles

The Folio Society

Date: Summer 2000

Volume: 57

Issue: 553

illustrated facsimile editions Yours for only 399 FAIRY TALES & FABLES INCLUDING: The Emperor's New Clothes The Ugly Duckling The Frog Primv • Rapunzel The Hare and the Tortoise The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing The Sleeping Beauty...

Category: Advertisement

At the Grand Summer Ball

Date: Autumn 1981

Volume: 48

Issue: 478

At the Grand Summer Ball, Jersey, dancing was in the largest marquee ever raised in the island. From among the many dancers, Mrs Eileen Moore, Jersey guild honorary secretary and ball sub committee chairman, with Cdr Peter Sturdee who... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Front Cover

Date: Winter 1999

Volume: 57

Issue: 547

Cullercoats' Atlantic 21 Edmund and Joan White makes a fine sight as she avoids a breaking wave off the north east coast. - View image in PDF

Photo by Rick Tomlinson. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Neptunas, of Soon, Norway

Date: August 1874

Volume: 09

Issue: 93

Excellent ser- vice was performed by the Life-boat on this station on. the 16th August. About five o'clock on the rooming of that day, during a very heavy gale, with a rough sea, the barque Neptunus, of Soon, Norway, drove ashore in...

Port Isaac Ilb Stood By While An Attempt Was Made on October 5 1975 to Rescue Bullocks Which Had Fallen Down the Cliff at Port Quin

Date: Autumn 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 458

Port Isaac ILB stood by while an attempt was made, on October 5, 1975, to rescue bullocks which had fallen down the cliff at Port Quin. - View image in PDF

photographs by courtesy of E. J. Watts, Rock. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Battle in the bay

Date: Winter 2013

Volume: 61

Issue: 606 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2013

When a teenage boy found himself caught in a tidal backwash, his friends watched in horror – could anyone reach him before it was too late?

On 7 September the 13-year-old was playing with his...

Category: Articles

H.R.H. The Duchess of York at Arbroath

Date: November 1932

Volume: 28

Issue: 312

Inaugural Ceremony of the New Motor Life-boat.

ON 31st August, H.R.H. The Duchess of York named the new Motor Life-boat stationed at Arbroath (Angus).

This Life-boat, which has replaced a Pulling and...

Category: Inaugurations