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13061 search results for 'royal family'
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A Yacht

Date: Winter 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 507

Cliff rescue and yacht crew landed in one serviceThe ability of the Institution's inflatable lifeboats to work close inshore was well illustrated by a service carried out by Exmouth's D class on 13 August 1988 - a service which also...

Henry 'Shrimp' Davies (1)

Date: Summer 2002

Volume: 58

Issue: 561

Henry 'Shrimp' Davies Former Cromer coxswain (see right) deaths Henry 'Shrimp' Davies Henry Davies was given the nickname 'Shrimp' after his famous uncle, coxswain Henry Blogg, saw him as a tiny...

Category: Obituaries

Taking to the Road: (Below Left) Dennis Oates Appeal Secretary of East Ham Branch Has Painted a Lifeboat Scene on His Dodge Van Which He Uses for All Branch Fun

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

Taking to the road: (Below, left) Dennis Oates, appeal secretary of East Ham branch, has painted a lifeboat scene on his Dodge van, which he uses for all branch functions. (Below, right) Jeffery Dyson, a signaller in Rhyl crew (r), with the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Special Life-Boat Funds

Date: May 1905

Volume: 19

Issue: 216



Vice-Patrons — His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND, K.G.

The Most Hon. the MABQUIS OF RIPON,...

Category: Donations

Lifeboat Services from Page 157

Date: Spring 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 468

and Coxswain Jack headed out towards Bell Rock. A few minutes later, when clear of the bar, the coxswain handed over to the second coxswain, who had injured his ankle and, as he was unable to get an answer on the intercom, went below to...

Category: Services

Life-Boat Photographs In Birmingham

Date: October 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 331

THE exhibition of life-boat photographs which was shown last year in London and Edinburgh was shown in Birming- ham from February 12th to 20th of this year, through the kindness of Messrs. Lewis's, Ltd., of Liverpool, Manchester and...

Category: Articles

News from the Branches. 1st May to 31st July, 1938

Date: October 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 335

Greater London.

Life-boat day was held throughout Greater London on 31st May. The amount raised was £6,397, an increase of £1,074 on 1937.

Presentation 'by Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, M.P.,...

Category: Branches

None (6)

Date: March 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 313

A request was received from the Officer Com- manding, 4th Fortress Company, Royal Engineers, Gosport, on the 10th Decem- ber, for the help of the Life-boat, as three men were marooned on St. Helen's Fort without food. The Motor Life-...

The S.S. Anversville

Date: October 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 331

Dungeness, Kent.—During the night of the 9th April a message was received from the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station, Dungeness, that a large steamer was ashore near the point. She was the s.s. Anversville, of Antwerp, with about 200 persons...

Several Yachts

Date: Summer 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 355

Bridlington, Yorkshire.—At 12.45 in the afternoon, on Sunday the 16th of July, 1950, the honorary secretary telephoned the coastguard about several yachts racing in the bay. As the weather was bad and the probability of some of them...