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Lifeboat Services

Date: Autumn 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 462

North Eastern Division Cut off by tide INFORMATION THAT A MAN had been reported cut off by the tide below the cliffs in the vicinity of the Coastguard lookout was passed to the honorary secretary of Whitby lifeboat station at 1630 on Sunday,...

Category: Services

Coxswain James Cable, of Aldeburgh, Suffolk

Date: September 1930

Volume: 28

Issue: 303

James Cable, ex-Coxswain of the Aldeburgh (Suffolk) Station and a member of the Branch Committee, died on 5th May of this year, at the age of 78. Few, if any, Coxswains have had more brilliant careers, and his name was known far beyond the...

Category: Obituaries

Travel Offers

Date: Spring 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 576

Free Hotel Accommodation all year round For only £2995 you and a partner can STAY FREE as often as you like for 12 months Treat yourself to a break whenever you choose, wherever you choose - as often as you choose. With the Travel...

Category: Advertisement

Duke of Northumberland's Prize Life-Boat Essay Competition

Date: September 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 287

IT is very pleasant to be able to record that this Competition is growing both in popularity and in the extent to which schools in every part of Great Britain are taking part in it. Unfortunately, owing to the political situation, the...

Category: Articles


Date: Spring 1988

Volume: 50

Issue: 504

London, April 14, 1988 The launch of an appeal to churches of all denominations in 1984 culminated in an historic ceremony at St Katharine Dock, London on Thursday, April 14, when the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Robert Runcie, MC, DD...

Category: Inaugurations

Chairman Praises All for Their Efforts

Date: June 1967

Volume: 40

Issue: 420

CAPTAIN the Hon. V. M. Wyndham-Quin, R.N., Chairman of the Committee of Management, told the annual meeting of the In- stitution at Central Hall, Westminster, on 2ist March, 1967, that, in spite of efforts all round, receipts did not meet...

Category: Meetings

The RNLI and me: Simon Gregson

Date: Winter 2015

Volume: 61

Issue: 614 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2015

He's spent 26 years living on the UK's best-known street- but, this father and lifeboat station volunteer is as much about water as he is soap

You've been on...

Category: Articles

Seafarers Service

Date: Autumn 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 470

Seven Dorset lifeboatmen, from Poole, Swanage and We y mouth, attended the annual national service for seafarers in St Paul's Cathedral on October 24, when, for the first time, the RNLI flag was carried up the aisle; the flag was carried...

Category: Articles

Your Letters

Date: Summer 1989

Volume: 51

Issue: 509

Capturing the drama Sir - The dramatic photograph of the Portrush lifeboat on page 127 of the Summer issue of the journal must have potential for advertising the RNLI's work and the robust skill and courage of the crews. Why not use it...

Category: Correspondence

Bradford's Bazaar. Fund for the Life-Boat House on the Humber

Date: September 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 287

Fund for the Life-boat House on the {lumber.

As all readers of The Lifeboat know, the city of Bradford has been conspicuously generous in its support of the Life-boat Service, and nowhere, on the coast or inland, has the...

Category: Articles