SHAKESPEARE compares England to a fortress, and the Channel to a moat; but if he saw the leviathan steamers now coming up that channel, he would be the first to acknowledge that the comparison did not hold good in the present day. We do not...
Category: Articles
ROYAL FESTIVAL HALL, LONDON, TUESDAY MAY 12 1980: 1,215 people rescued; nearly £12 million raisedTUESDAY MAY 12 was the day of the RNLI's 1981 annual general meeting of the governors and annual presentation of awards and, as usual...
Category: Meetings
Clacton-on-Sea, Essex.—At 12.58 on the afternoon of the 23rd of June, 1951, the coastguard telephoned. The S.S. Leo had wirelessed that she had seen a small sailing yacht near No.
6 Barrow Buoy which seemed to need help. So...
Aldeburgh, Suffolk.—At 12.45 P.M. on the 19th August, 1938, the coastguard telephoned to the life-boat station that a sailing yacht was anchored three miles south of the look-out in a dangerous position. A strong and increasing S.S....
Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—At 8.37 on the evening of the 29th of July, 1956, the Foreland coastguard tele- phoned that a yacht had broken adrift from her tow off Sandown and ap- peared to be in difficulties. The life- boat Jesse Lumb was...
Swanage, Dorset.—At 12.52 on the afternoon of the 25th of April, 1957, the St. Albans Head coastguard tele- phoned that a yacht with her sails blown away was drifting six and a half miles south-by-east of Durlston Head.
Ramsgate, Kent.—At 2.51 on the afternoon of the 15th of August, 1957.
the watchman on the east pier reported that a yacht about two miles from the Quern buoy was signalling for help. She could apparently make no...
Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire.—At 6.20 on the evening of the 22nd of Septem- ber. 1957, the coastguard passed on a report from the police that two people on board a yacht were in difficulties off the pier and were baling and signal- ling. The...
Dungeness, Kent.—At 4.40 ill the afternoon of the 3rd of August, 1947, Lloyd's Signal Station reported that a motor yacht was in distress and drag- ging her anchor one hundred yards off the station. The motor life-boat Charles Cooper...
Appledore, Devon.—At 5.15 in the afternoon of the 4th of July, 1948, the Westward Ho coastguard telephoned that a yacht appeared to be in diffi- culties eight miles north-east of Hart- land Point, and at 5.35 the motor life- boat The...