Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—21st October, 1939. Rockets had been re- ported south of Brighton but nothing could be found.—Rewards, £15 7s. 6d..
The Humber, Yorkshire.—24th August.
A man on the sands was cut off by the tide, but managed to get ashore.—Permanent Crew.—Rewards, 6s..
Galway Bay, Co. Gal way.— On the morning of the 15th February there was an urgent request for a doctor to be fetched from the mainland. The only hj»at available was "the motor life-boat William Evans, and she made the trip, setting...
Poole guild, formed twelve years ago with ten members, now has a membership of 700 and since 1969 it has raised 63,000; the total last year exceeded 15,000. Members of the guild man both a lifeboat caravan on Poole Quay, which took...
Category: Donations
MINEHEAD, SOMERSETSHIRE. — The ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has formed a Life-boat Station at Minehead, there being sufficient men available for manning and launching the boat, in order to strengthen the Life-boat Service on the...
Category: Articles
Tall orders Although somewhat dwarfed by the largest "tall ship" in the world, the 386ft Russian Sedov, volunteers manning the stand from branches and guilds in the Tyne area were thrilled to sell over £2,000 worth of...
Category: Articles
J.G. Graves of Sheffield was the first of the 26 Oakley Mk1 s to be built between 1958 and 1971 and is displayed on a typical launching carriage of the period. The class was designed to be self righting while retaining a high degree of... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
§srtren—§tr Post Station* PBJMIB tjji Qnten.
Category: Advertisement
Jan. 6 —A. man put off in a boat from Tenby and rescued two of the crew of the fishing-b at Rajah, of Brixham, which stranded outride Tenby Harbour in a moderate gale from S.E.
and a very heavy sea.—Reward,...
Category: Articles
EVERYTHING that concerns the moral welfare and improvement of the sailor is of primary importance to a Maritime Power, such as that of the British Empire. Her strength and her commercial prosperity are alike dependent on her strength at sea,...
Category: Articles