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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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A New Station on the West of Scotland. Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, Argyllshire

Date: September 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 323

Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, Argyllshire.

LAST year a new life-boat station was established on the West of Scotland, at Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, Argyllshire.

The self-righting motor life-boat Frederick...

Category: Inaugurations

Services of the Life-Boats of the National Life-Boat Institution

Date: January 1867

Volume: 06

Issue: 63

ORMES' HEAD, LLAKDUDNO.—On the 27th February, information was received here that a vessel was in distress in the bay. The wind was blowing hard from the N.E. at the time, and the sea was very rough.

The Sisters'...

Category: Services

Books (Including Tim Batstone's Windsurfing Advice)

Date: Summer 1985

Volume: 49

Issue: 493

• WHEN TIM BATSTONE confronted the RNLI with the news that he intended to circumnavigate Great Britain on a sail board and raise money for the Institution, the reaction was decidedly mixed.

Should an organisation so...

Category: Articles


Date: April 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 439

WHEN on 20th November, 1971, red flares were sighted in the area of the Wallet Spitway buoy, the Clacton, Essex, life-boat Valentine Wyndham- Quin was launched at 6.17 p.m. The wind was south south west force 5 to 6 with rain...

Category: Services

Waiting for the Lytham Lifeboat

Date: Winter 1997

Volume: 55

Issue: 539

Following the article 'Waiting for the lifeboat', which appeared in the Autumn 1996 issue of The Lifeboat, Lytham coxswain, Paul Heyes, and station honorary secretary, Frank Kilroy, discuss their individual viewpoints regarding...

Category: Articles

Classified Advertisements

Date: Autumn 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 482

Classified Advertisements Wordage: £5.50 per single column centimetre (minimum charge £16.50). NB: The minimum space of 3cm takes about 45 words at 15 words per cm.

With illustration: £12 per single column...

Category: Advertisement


Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

AUGUST Launches 41. Lives rescued 92.

AUGUST 1ST. - THE HUMBER, YORKSHIRE. At about 1. 8 A.M. the Royal Naval shore signal station reported that a large steamer had run aground near the Chequer Shoal Buoy. The night was...

Category: Services

July (1)

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946

ILFRACOMBE, DEVON. At 6.30 in the evening of the 3rd of March, 1946, the police reported that two boys were cut off by thetide on the rocks at Lee. A strong northerly breeze was blowing and raising a rough sea.

Mr. S....

Category: Services

Lifeboat Services

Date: Autumn 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 486

South West Division Among rocks A YACHT firing red flares near Green Island was reported by Police HQ at 0326 on Saturday September 3, 1983, to the deputy assistant harbour master at St Helier, who is also deputy launching authority of St...

Category: Services

Services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: February 1909

Volume: 20

Issue: 231

LOWESTOPT, SUFFOLK.—Shortly before 8 P.M. on the 20th July a trawler, when trying to make Pakefield Gatway, struck on the N.E. part of the Newcome sands.

The coxswain of the Life-boat observed the accident, assembled the...

Category: Services