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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Earls Court: Peter Holness (R) Shows Mrs Margaret Thatcher Shorelines Cmg Visual Display Computer Link on the Rnli Stantl on That Day It Was Being Operated By Lin

Date: Winter 1978

Volume: 45

Issue: 463

Earls Court: Peter Holness (r) shows Mrs Margaret Thatcher Shorelines CMG visual display computer link on the RNLI stantl. - View image in PDF

On that day it was being operated by Linda Powell of Shoreline office.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The H.M.S. Spider & Condor

Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

At 2.30 A.M. on the 22nd November the Coastguard reported that a steamer had grounded on the beach and was making signals of distress. The Coxswain, John Swan, therefore assembled his crew and launched the Life-boat Kentwell. On...

Pier rescue on the Isle of Man

Date: Winter 2014

Volume: 61

Issue: 610 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2014

Douglas RNLI lifeboat crew rescued a man who had fallen into the water from Victoria Pier. The volunteers launched their all-weather lifeboat Sir William Hillary at 10.15pm. They...

Category: Articles

The Life-Boat

Date: May 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 180

The following drawings show the general outline and principal fittings of a 34 feet by 7i feet self-righting boat. Figure 1 gives the profile or broadside view, the shaded part showing that devoted to the air-cases, which give extra buoyancy...

Category: Articles

Niagara of Troon

Date: October 1860

Volume: 04

Issue: 38

On the 19th of Feb- ruary the barque Niagara, of Troon, was driven ashore in a heavy N.W. gale, 3 miles north of Ayr harbour: the life-boat quickly proceeded thence to her aid, and first landed the master, who had been disabled and was in...

The Danmark

Date: November 1882

Volume: 11

Issue: 126

PALLING, NORFOLK.—At 10 A.M. on the 3rd April, during a strong wind from the E. and a .heavy sea, a brig was seen stranded at Waxham, and showing signals of distress. The Palling No. 1 Life-boat was promptly launched and went to the aid of...

Riders of the storm – the story of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Date: Autumn 2009

Volume: 61

Issue: 589

Riders of the storm – the story of the Royal National

Lifeboat Institution
by Ian Cameron

Review by Carol Waterkeyn

This is a new edition of the hardback book published in...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Dunsley, of Whitby

Date: 1946

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1946


At 6.10 in the morning the coastguard reported that a vessel was close inshore, and at 6.34 that she was ashore on East Scar. The motor life-boat Louisa Polden was launched at 7.8. A...

The S.S. Cormorant, of Kirkwall

Date: March 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 278

On 10th February, at 2.45 in the afternoon, when a whole gale from the S.E.

was blowing with a heavy sea, it was reported at Stromness that the S. S Cormorant, of Kirkwall, was in distress in Eynhallow Sound. The Motor...

Friends of the RNLI

Date: Summer 2017

Volume: 61

Issue: 620 Lifeboat Magazine Summer 2017

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Coastal Spring

Category: Articles