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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Fishguard Crew Outside the House of the Institution

Date: May 1921

Volume: 24

Issue: 273

The Fishguard Crew Outside The House of the Institution. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Mouth of the Cave As Viewed from the Lifeboat

Date: Winter 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 575

The mouth of the cave as viewed from the lifeboat. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Peep Into the Past

Date: Summer 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 577

100 years ago The Autumn ' 906Life-boatJournat congratulated female fundraisers for their hard work after another successful Lifeboat Saturday: 'They are less ready to take a refusal than the "sterner"sex, and, this being...

Category: Articles

Wreck Chart of the British Isles for the Year 1873-4

Date: November 1875

Volume: 09

Issue: 98

lisions.—It appears then, that the number of wrecks, casualties, and collisions from all causes on and near the coasts of the United Kingdom and in the surrounding seas, reported during the year 1873-4, was 1,803, being 401 less than the...

Category: Charts

The Life-Boats of the United Kingdom

Date: February 1885

Volume: 12

Issue: 135

LVIII. SUNDERLAND.—The Good Templar, 30 feet by 8 feet, 8 oars.

LIX. Ditto.—The Mary, 30i feet by 8J feet, 10 oars.

LX. Ditto.—The Florence Nightingale, 33 feet by 8 feet, 10...

Category: Articles

Back With Their Feet Firmly on the Ground Are Six Intrepid

Date: Winter 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 483

Back with their feet firmly on the ground are six intrepid first-time parachutists: (I to r) Jim Bridge, Colin Robins, Dave Allison, Michael Riley, Keith Benn and George West, honorary secretary of Whitehaven branch: with them (r.) to... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Problem of the Life-Belt

Date: February 1921

Volume: 24

Issue: 272

OF the many problems which confront the technical officers of the Institution few have caused so much careful thought and discussion as the design of an efficient life-belt.

Until the year 1904 the question was

Category: Articles

List of Special Gifts to the Royal National Life-Boat Institution for the Purchase of the Following Life-Boats

Date: April 1868

Volume: 06

Issue: 68

1856. Hornsea, Yorkshire.

1858. Skerries, Co. Dublin 1861. Aberystwith. . .

1857 Walmer 1857. Seaton Carew 1858. Fraserburgh . . .

1858. Carnsore, Co. Wexford 1859. Exmoath 1859. Lizard ....

Category: Donations

The President Names the New Southend Boat

Date: September 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 373

H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT, Presi- dent of the Institution, named the new Southend-on-Sea life-boat on the 17th of May, 1955.

The new life-boat is a gift of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, the thirtieth which that fund...

Category: Inaugurations

Trapped in the Thames

Date: Spring 2014

Volume: 61

Issue: 607 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2014

When a man’s oldest friend fell into the River Thames moments after his beloved dog ran away, could anyone rescue his two best pals?

It was a bitterly cold evening on 15 January when...

Category: Articles