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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Your Letters

Date: Spring 1994

Volume: 53

Issue: 528

Charting progress I recently finished reading the Spring 1994 issue of THE LIFEBOAT and am, as always, utterly amazed at the achievements of the Institution over the years.

The accounts of the lifeboat services in...

Category: Correspondence

A Summer Service. What It Feels Like to Be Rescued

Date: November 1927

Volume: 26

Issue: 292

ON the afternoon of 12th August a message was received at the Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, Station, that a sailingboat had capsized about a mile and a half from the shore, off Fort Victoria.

A moderate gale was blowing, and the...

Category: Services

The Steam Life-Boat Inspected By the Prince of Wales and the German Emperor

Date: November 1892

Volume: 15

Issue: 166

IT will be remembered that in September, 1890, the Steam Life-boat Duke of Northumberland was stationed at Harwich for the purpose of experiment. There she gained golden opinions from her crew.

Between September, 1890, and...

Category: Articles

People and Places

Date: Autumn 1988

Volume: 51

Issue: 506

Stirling Whorlow QBE Stirling Whorlow QBE, the secretary of the Institution for eight years from 1961 to 1969 died at his home in Spain on 2 October 1988.

One of his colleagues from the RNLI at the time writes: 'It is...

Category: Articles

Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., K.B.E.

Date: March 1958

Volume: 35

Issue: 383

SIR GODFREY BARING, who retired from the Committee of Management in 1956 after having served on the Committee for forty-five years and having been the Committee's Chairman for thirty-three years, died on the 24th of November, 1957. Sir...

Category: Obituaries

Two Minutes

Date: Summer 1999

Volume: 57

Issue: 549

With huge numbers of visitors expected in the south west for the solar eclipse on 11 August the RNLI and the other emergency services had their contingency plans in place… Mike Floyd watched events unfold at the Coastguard MRCC at Falmouth...

Category: Articles

Royal National Life-Boat Institution

Date: August 1883

Volume: 12

Issue: 129


patroness—Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen

President—His Grace the DUKE OF NOBTHUMBERLAND, P.O., D.C.L, Chairman—EDWARD BIRKBECK, ESQ.. il.P.,...

Category: Advertisement

Special Gifts

Date: November 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 300

From the Men of the Fleet.

A gift of £1,900 has been received from the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes. This is a part of the profit made by the Naval Canteen trading during the past year, and it has been given to...

Category: Donations

Privileged View

Date: Summer 2008

Volume: 61

Issue: 584

On Monday 22 October 2007 I accepted an invitation from Skegness Coxswain John Irving to join some training. By 5.30pm the waterproof tractor was attached to the carriage and the Mersey class lifeboat The Lincolnshire Poacher was towed out...

Category: Articles

Book Reviews

Date: Spring 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 460

O There cannot be many works of fiction based on the lifeboat service and of these few are likely to ring true to the men who man the boats. Although the majority of people would say that they are well acquainted with the RNLI, its lifeboats...

Category: Articles