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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Date: Winter 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 479

Lee shore FOLLOWING THE SIGHTING of a red flare in Dovercourt Bay by the BR sea freight liner. Thames Coastguard telephonedthe honorary secretary of Walton and Frinton lifeboat station and the deputy launching authority of Harwich lifeboat...

Lifeboat Services

Date: Summer 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 485

West Division Breeches buoy HOLYHEAD COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Moelfre lifeboat station at 0945 on Sunday August 29, 1982, that a distress call had been received from a small boat aground on rocks at Dulas Island, two...

Category: Services

Here and There

Date: Autumn 1975

Volume: 44

Issue: 454

There are available from the RNLI Dublin office (10 Merrion Square, Dublin 2) First Day Covers of the following Irish Post Office stamps: Official RNLI cover RNLI commemorative 5p stamp: 50p.

Special cover, with RNLI...

Category: Articles

Continued from Page 175

Date: Spring 1996

Volume: 54

Issue: 536

Big problems with little ships I was fascinated to read about the 34 calls to which the Poole lifeboat responded on August Bank Holiday last year. It certainly sounds like the record for one station.

Another interesting set...

Category: Correspondence


Date: Spring 1992

Volume: 52

Issue: 520

With deep regret It is with deep regret that the Institution reports the death on 23 April 1992 of Cdr Ralph Swann CBE, a life vice president and former Chairman of the RNLI, at the age of 87.

Cdr Swann first joined the...

Category: Obituaries

Charles Dixon and the Golden Age of Marine Painting

Date: Autumn 2010

Volume: 61

Issue: 593

Charles Dixon and the
Golden Age of Marine

by Stuart Boyd
Review by Carol Waterkeyn

Charles Dixon was one of the greatest maritime artists, living from 1872 to...

Category: Articles

Classified Advertisements

Date: Summer 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 485

Wordage: £5.50 per single column centimetre (minimum charge £16.50. NB: The minimum of 3cm takes about 45 words at 15 words per cm). With illustration: £12 per single column centimetre (minimum charge...

Category: Advertisement

Lifeboat Classified

Date: Winter 1987

Volume: 50

Issue: 499


The Old Bakehouse. Beautiful E.

Devon. Come and enjoy the peaceful charm of our lovely 17th century hotel. Oak beams, log fire, superb cuisine. All rooms en suite,...

Category: Advertisement

The RNLI and me: Simon Gregson

Date: Winter 2015

Volume: 61

Issue: 614 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2015

He's spent 26 years living on the UK's best-known street- but, this father and lifeboat station volunteer is as much about water as he is soap

You've been on...

Category: Articles


Date: Winter 2017

Volume: 61

Issue: 622 Lifeboat Magazine Winter 2017-18

Our lifeboat crews and lifeguards carry out thousands of rescues every year (see launches on page 34). Here are just some of those caught on camera, and see the list below for more reports:


Category: Articles