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Date: Spring 2016

Volume: 61

Issue: 615 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2016

When Angle crew members were jolted awake by the beeping of pagers at 2am, they faced a race against time to rescue the crew of a sinking fishing boat.

Waking to a direct page from the Coastguard on that chilly morning on...

Category: Articles

Memories of a Jersey Crewman

Date: June 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 416

In place of a "Focus" report on a life-boat station we are publishing the following contribution sent to us by a crewman of the Jersey life-boat, who wishes to remain anonymous. The article was received after "Focus on St....

Category: Articles

On Exercise: Joy and John Wade the 52Ft Arun Stationed at Yarmouth Isle of Wight Photograph By Courtesy of Hms Daedalus

Date: Autumn 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 466

On exercise: Joy and John Wade, the 52ft Arun stationed at Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. - View image in PDF

photograph by courtesy of HMS Daedalus. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Chr. Christensen

Date: August 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 257

Signals of distress called out the Life- boat Forster Fawsett at 4.40 A.M. on the 16th February. She found the steamer Chr. Ghristensen, of Copenhagen, ashore on the south end of the Longstone Island, where she had stranded whilst bound to...

The Isle of Wight Packet-Boat Prince of Wales

Date: February 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 293

The Christmas Gales.

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Life-boat's Four Launches in one Day.

THE gales at the end of October and November were followed by rough weather at the end of December, with heavy...

The Isle of Wight Packet-Boat Prince of Wales (1)

Date: February 1928

Volume: 27

Issue: 293

The Christmas Gales.

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Life-boat's Four Launches in one Day.

THE gales at the end of October and November were followed by rough weather at the end of December, with heavy...

Grace Darling Centenary. Opening of a Memorial Museum at Bamburgh

Date: October 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 335

THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET Motor Life-boats, 137 :: Pulling & Sailing Life-boats, 28 LIVES RESCUED from the foundation of the Institution in 1824 to September 30th, 1938 .... 65,849

Grace Darling...

Category: Articles

Friends of the RNLI

Date: Spring 2017

Volume: 61

Issue: 619 Lifeboat Magazine Spring 2017

These corporate partners offer discounts to you and fundraising benefits for our charity

The RNLI receives at least 5% of your order value only via

Coastal Spring

Category: Articles

The Rev. The Earl of Devon and Commander Sir Harry Mainwaring, Bt., R.N.V.R.

Date: February 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 321

THE committee of management deeply regret the loss of two of their col- leagues, The Rev. the Earl of Devon and Commander Sir Harry Mainwaring, Bt., R.N.V.R.

The Earl of Devon, who died suddenly on 8th February, at the age...

Category: Obituaries

The Rnli Were Beneficiaries from An Open Day at Billingsgate Market London When the Public Were Invited to Watch Demonstrations and Buy Species Offish That They Would Not Necessarily Find At

Date: Autumn 1980

Volume: 47

Issue: 474

The RNLI were beneficiaries from an open day at Billingsgate Market, London, when the public were invited to watch demonstrations and buy species offish that they would not necessarily find at their local fishmongers. Here Ronald Nichols is... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs