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9325 search results for 'Yacht'
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Your Letters

Date: Winter 1991

Volume: 52

Issue: 515

The casualty's view of a rescue ... and thanks to the crew Having read the discussion 'Men behind the medals' in the Autumn issue of The Lifeboat, I wanted to comment on some of the points as seen through the eyes of a...

Category: Correspondence

The Yachtsmen's Life-Boat Supporters' Association By Commander F R H Swann OBE RNVR

Date: March 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 427

IT has always been a comforting feeling for yachtsmen to know that if they are in trouble off the coasts of the United Kingdom or Ireland and can make a distress signal by visual means or R/T, a life-boat will come to their assistance...

Category: Articles

RNLI In Action

Date: Summer 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 577

Cruise liner in crisis Six lifeboats launched on 6 May 2006 to the help of The Calypso (pictured). The 135m liner and 708 passengers were 15 miles south of Beachy Head, East Sussex, when fire broke out. Tyne classes MaxAitken III from...

Category: Articles

Mountbatten of Burma

Date: Autumn 1979

Volume: 46

Issue: 470

ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET the Earl Mountbatten of Burma, who was killed in his motor yacht while on holiday last August, will be remembered, as is his wife, the Countess Mountbatten, as a very good friend of the lifeboat...

Category: Articles

Water Safety Roadshow

Date: Summer 2003

Volume: 59

Issue: 565

Coming to a place near you soonSometimes good advice can be difficult to swallow, especially if it's on a subject close to your heart. This, coupled with the fact that people generally don't actively go out and seek advice, can be a...

Category: Articles

Rescue By Fifteen-Year-Old Boy

Date: December 1957

Volume: 34

Issue: 382

AT 10.30 on the morning of the 27th of July, 1957, the coastguard told the honorary secretary of the Hoylake life-boat station, Captain H. H. Davies, that a man was in danger on a bank opposite the Heswall Yacht Club, and asked if the...

Category: Articles

IRB Launches (2)

Date: September 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 417

SOUTHERN DISTRICT Eastney, Hampshire - At 3.10 p.m.

on i4th May, 1966, a member of the IRB crew informed the honorary secretary that a sailing dinghy had capsized off the Royal Marine Barracks. At 3.15 the IRB was launched...

Category: Services

Five Life-Boat Broadcasts

Date: June 1939

Volume: 31

Issue: 338

THE British Broadcasting Corporation took the opportunity of the visit of life-boatmen to London for the annual meeting to put the life-boat service on the air. There were four broadcasts that week, and a fifth three weeks...

Category: Articles

Naming of the St. Helier, Jersey, Life-Boat

Date: December 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 332

THE Institution has replaced the pulling and sailing life-boat at St. Helier, Jersey, this year with a motor life-boat of the light Liverpool type, described on page 392. The new boat has been built out of a gift of £3,250 from...

Category: Inaugurations

Visiting Lifeboats came to Poole on passage to or from Jersey from West Germany and the Netherlands

Date: Spring 1984

Volume: 49

Issue: 488

THE WEST GERMAN lifeboat Eiswette visited Poole on May 30 and 31 before sailing to Jersey for St Helier lifeboat station's centenary celebrations on June 1 and 2. While in Poole, Carl Max Vater, vice-chairman, and other senior officials...

Category: Articles