Communities have naturally evolved on the coast due to their very proximity to the sea and the riches it brings. However, fluctuating demand, depleting natural resources and the discovery of new ones, have meant that coastal peoples have had...
Category: Articles
Selsey: Coxswain Michael J. Grant (r.), awarded the silver medal for the service to the Panamanian cargo vessel Cape Coast on January 10 and the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum for the service to the fishing vessel New Venture... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
At last we've found affordable Private Medical Insurance for the over 50V Exeter Friendly Society offer healthcare insurance for the over 50's that is hard to beat.
Unlike virtually any other medical insurer we...
Category: Advertisement
THURSDAY, 7th January, 1886.
EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting. Also read those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and...
Category: Committee
Four saved from MFV among rocks in hurricane-force gustsCoxswain David Chant of the St Davids lifeboat, Dyfed, has been awarded the Institution's Bronze medal for bravery following the rescue of four fishermen in severe gales on 26...
Trent class 14-02 Esme Anderson KwCrew Coxswain/Mechanic Ron Cannon Emergency Mechanic timothy Hurst Crew Member Lance Oram Medal Service Certificate Crew Members: Alan Bray Ian Cannon Christopher Andrews Raymond Noble James Barth Brett...
Category: Services
Jan. 11.—Five men waded into the sea and saved the crew of three men from a fishing boat which had been capsized in a surf at Shering- ham, Norfolk—Reward, 11. 5s.
Jan. 11.—Four men put off in a boat and saved one of two...
Category: Articles
A new experimental boat (see page 545) has been built for the Royal National Life-boat Institution with a glass-reinforced plastic (G.R.P.) hull and deck. The hull, which is a standard commercial one, was designed by T.T. Boat Designs Ltd.,...
Category: Articles
RNLI staff, crew and volunteers spent an exhausting weekend in Newcastle from 20-22 June, representing the RNLI at the 10th UK and Ireland Corporate GamesAgainst tough competition, the RNLI has been appointed the official charity of the UK...
Category: Articles
Rough ride in race A SMALL BOAT was sighted off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, on September 10, 1972, with engine broken down and crew waving. This led to the Bridlington ILB being sent as low water on a spring tide at Flamborough prevented...