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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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Life-Boat Services In 1905

Date: May 1906

Volume: 19

Issue: 220

Lives I saved.

Li 23 10 Adalina, fishing vessel, of Gravelines—stood by vessel.

Advance, ketch, of Bideford Amelia Ann, ketch, of Goo]e— rendered assistance.

A my, barge, of Bideford—...

Category: Services

The Hopper No. 42

Date: February 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 251

— Just before midnight on the 12th-13th September the hopper No. 42, of London, which was making for Ply- mouth to coal, struck on the south side of the Plymouth Breakwater. The Life-boat Eliza Avins was launched to her assistance, and, on...

A Constant Procession Board the 52Ft Arun for a Closer Look Round She Was Lying Alongside the Depot Quay Astern of the Prototype 47Ft Tyne

Date: Summer 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 481

A constant procession board the 52ft Arun for a closer look round. She was lying alongside the depot quay, astern of the prototype 47ft Tyne.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The War Record Year By Year. The 3rd of September, 1939, to the 8th of May, 1945

Date: June 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 372

Year 1939 Launches of Life-boats to ships in distress on account of the War Total launches "f Life-boats Lives Rescued by Life-boats Lives Rescued by Shore-boats r • Medals „ ive% , awarded to *X$ *«...

Category: Services

Why Does She Get Launched?

Date: April 1972

Volume: 42

Issue: 439

WHY does she get launched ? A ship, that is.

In other words, why, really, is a ship always a she, and why is she invariably launched with ceremony and usually the traditional bottle of champagne ? Here are the answers,...

Category: Articles

Lowestoft Motor Life-Boat and the Airship R33

Date: May 1925

Volume: 26

Issue: 284

ON the morning of 16th April the airship JR33 broke away from her moorings at the aerodrome, at Pulham, in Norfolk, and was carried out to sea by a strong W.S.W. gale. She was seen to cross the coast at 10.15 A.M., obviously in diffi-...

Category: Articles

The Blind Boy and the Life-Boat

Date: July 1867

Volume: 06

Issue: 65

OF all the calamities to which the human race is liable, unless it be that of unceasing pain, there is perhaps none which we each of us dread so much in our own persons, or sympathize with so greatly when beheld in others, as loss of sight....

Category: Articles

(Right) the Rnli Is Controlled By a Committee of Management Formed of Distinguished Public Figures Who Give Their Services Voluntarily They Have Specialised Knowle

Date: Spring 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 448

(Right) The RNLI is controlled by a Committee of Management, formed of distinguished public figures who give their services voluntarily. They have specialised knowledge and experience to offer in a variety of fields.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Medallists

Date: Spring 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 484

The medallists (I to r): Front row: Helmsman Keith Willacy, Morecambe; Helmsman Eric Ward, Si Ives; Helmsman Alan Forrester, Flint; and Coxswain Michael Berry, St Helier. Second row: Coxswain Charles Hatcher, Blyth; Coxswain!Mechanic Hewitt... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

Coastguard Lt-Cdr Tim Fetherston-Dilke the New Chief Coastguard Talks of the Re-Organisation Taking Place Within the Servjce

Date: Summer 1978

Volume: 46

Issue: 465

Coastguard . . .

LT-CDR TIM FETHERSTON-DILKE, the new 'Chief, talks of the re-organisation taking place within Her Majesty's Coastguard, emphasising that its long-standing traditional relationship with the lifeboat...

Category: Articles