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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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Sir Alec Rose, Like the True Sailor He Is, Has Spoken With Reverence of the Power of the Sea: 'No One Knows the Sea, Which Is a Great Leveller That Soon Cuts the Big-Headed Sailor Down to Size. In Th

Date: January 1971

Volume: 42

Issue: 434

Sir Alec Rose, like the true sailor he is, has spoken with reverence of the power of the sea: 'No one knows the sea, which is a great leveller that soon cuts the big-headed sailor down to size. In the tremendous gales I have experienced... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Boy Ernest

Date: August 1890

Volume: 14

Issue: 157

On the morning of the 19th April, large red flares were seen on the Middle Gross Sand, and the Middle Cross, St.

Nicholas, and Gorton light-vessels were firing rockets. The No. 1 Life-boat, Covent Garden was launched, a...

Measurements Giving the Fore and Ajt Positions of All Transverse Members—Moulds Bulkheads and Timbers—Are Brought Down from Building Batten to Hog By Plumb Line

Date: Winter 1977

Volume: 44

Issue: 459

Measurements giving the fore and ajt positions of all transverse members—moulds, bulkheads and timbers—are brought down from building batten to hog by plumb line.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

News from the Branches

Date: November 1926

Volume: 26

Issue: 288

Annual Meetings: Station Branches.

BLACKPOOL (LANCASHIRE).—On 1st July, Councillor T. P. Fletcher, J.P., Deputy-Mayor, presiding. The report for the year ending 30th September, 1925, showed that £371 had been col-...

Category: Branches

Visiting the RNLI/YLA Stand at the Southampton Boat Show Sir Alec Rose Founder-Member of the Association Autographs a Copy of His Book Lively Lady Which He

Date: January 1973

Volume: 42

Issue: 442

Visiting the R.N.L.I./Y.L.A. stand at the Southampton Boat Show, Sir Alec Rose, founder-member of the Association, autographs a copy of his book Lively Lady which he presented to Mr. Alasdair Garrett, secretary of the Association, for... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Lifeboat Ale

Date: Spring 1999

Volume: 57

Issue: 548

The lifeboat ale even comes highly recommended by 'The Sheep' who is Head Mower at the Aldeburgh lifeboat station garden!. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The S.S. Ida

Date: February 1896

Volume: 16

Issue: 179

PALLING.—A vessel having been discerned ashore on the Hasborough Sand with a signal of distress flying during squally weather and a heavy sea on the 28th July, the No. 2 Life-boat Hearts of Oak was launched at 2 P.M., and found the stranded...

Improved Liquid Boat Compass and Binnacle of the National Life-Boat Institution

Date: October 1868

Volume: 06

Issue: 70

IN a former Number of this Journal we published a description, with illustrations, of this valuable little instrument. Subsequently, in 1867, the Committee of the Institution presented to J. MACGREGOR, Esq., the founder of the " Canoe...

Category: Articles

The New Sheerness Isle of Sheppey 44' Waveney Lifeboat Helen Turnbull Was Named on May 18 By Mrs R D Leigh-Pemberton Wife of the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Ke

Date: Summer 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 449

The new Sheerness, Isle ofSheppey, 44' Waveney lifeboat Helen Turnbull was named on May 18 by Mrs R. D. Leigh-Pemberton, wife of the vice Lord Lieutenant of Kent.

A legacy from the estate of James Bissell Turnbull,... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Duke of Kent Described the Decision to Establish the Head Office In Poole As Bold and Also Wise; He Was Pleased to See the Familiar Stone Lifeboatman Still at the Door

Date: Spring 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 456

The Duke of Kent described the decision to establish the head office in Poole as bold, and also wise; he was pleased to see the familiar stone lifeboatman still at the door, now gazing out to sea. A service of dedication was conducted by The... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs