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44978 search results for '1886: the Wreck of the Mexico By Frank Kilroy'
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The shape of things to come

Date: Summer 2009

Volume: 61

Issue: 588

FCB2 is the RNLI’s experimental lifeboat, which is being developed to replace the Mersey class. As we reported last year, the hull proved inadequate in rough weather. A new hull shape has now been chosen, and the RNLI hopes the first...

Category: Articles

The S.S.Holstein, of Bremen, and the S.S. Freya, of Copenhagen

Date: October 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 327

Selsey, Sussex.—27th June. The s.s.

Holstein, of Bremen, and the s.s. Freya, of Copenhagen, had collided. The Freya needed help but she was towed to Southampton by a tug.—Rewards, £9 12s. 6d..

The Norwegian Motor Tanker Athos, of Flekkefjord

Date: 1945

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1945


At three in the afternoon the coastguard reported a vessel aground south of Holyhead in dense fog. There was no wind and the sea was smooth. At 3.10 the motor life-boat John and Mary...

Ten Years After

Date: June 1955

Volume: 34

Issue: 372

The Institution has now completed the full history of the services of life-boats during the war of 1939-45. This has been prepared for purposes of his- torical record and is not for general distribution. The story of the Life-boat Service in...

Category: Services

The Fishwives of Cullercoats

Date: October 1937

Volume: 30

Issue: 331

THE fishwives of Cullercoats this year collected £139 at their quarterly road exercise and launch of the life-boat.

This is their sixteenth annual collection, and they have collected altogether over...

Category: Articles

The S.S. City of Venice

Date: August 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 141

CADGWITH, CORNWALL,.—Minute guns having been heard at 9 P.M. on the 20th of March, the Joseph Armstrong Life-boat was very promptly launched, four minutes only being occupied in getting her afloat, and proceeded to the S.W., in which...

The Annual General Meeting

Date: June 1961

Volume: 36

Issue: 396

H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT, Presi- dent of the Institution, attended the annual general meeting of the governors of the Institution at the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 6th of March, 1961, and presented medals for gallantry and other...

Category: Meetings

Services of the Life-Boats of the Institution During 1939

Date: April 1940

Volume: 31

Issue: 341




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Time of...

Category: Services

To the Help of the Invasion Port

Date: December 1944

Volume: War Years

Issue: War Bulletin 18

Several life-boats have been to the help of sections of the great invasion port, built at Arroraanches on the coast of Normandy, when they were being towed to Fiance, Dungeness took out a relief crew and food to a "phoenix", or...

Category: Articles

The S.S. Ellerbeck

Date: November 1914

Volume: 22

Issue: 254

At 10 A.M.

\ on the 15th August information was \ received, by telephone, from the Smalls I Lighthouse that a steamer had gone ashore on the "Hats and Barrels" Rock.

The motor Life-boat...